Body Humor
A patient came to a doctor one day.
-Patient: I have a strange illness, Doc.
-Doctor: What is it?
-Patient: I pressed my forehead with my finger and it hurts. I did the same with my cheeks, nose, chin, and stomach and it all hurt
-Doc(puzzled): I'll have to sent you to a specialist to get a check-up.
-Patient: OK, great.
A week passed...
-Doc: What's did the specialist say?
-Patient: I have a broken finger.
A man had a question for a specialist.
-Man: I think my wife have become deaf.
-Specialist: Really?
-Man: yeah, I asked her questions and she never replies.
-Specialist: I see, check with your wife and tell me how severe this situation is.
That afternoon...
The man decided to check how severe the problem was.
-Man: Honey, what's for dinner?
(No reply.) The man decide to come five feet closer.
-Man: Honey, what's for dinner?
(No reply.) The man came close.
-Man: Honey, what's for dinner?
(No reply.) The man now came right next to her.
-Man: Honey, what's for dinner?
-Wife: for the fourth time! I said Chicken!
Once there was a man and his son driving in a car. And suddenly, they experienced a fatal car accident. The man and his son were taken by two different ambulances to two different hospitals...
   In the man's son's hospital. It was essential that he required a surgery. But however, the doctor said, "I can't perform a surgery, that's my son."
How is this possible?

It was the son's mother who performed the surgery.