Interesting Tiger Facts

The tiger's fur gets thicker and longer in the winter. The stripes often become paler and less defined.

In general the tiger is forest dweller but can also be found in grass lands, and swamps beyond would land areas.

Tigers are never far from a source of water. They are strong swimmers and have particular love for bathing in pools and lakes in hotter regions.

Tigers are nocturnal hunters.

All species of tiger have when declared indangered.

Tigers can see in the dark six times better than humans.

White Bengal tigers are not albinos. They merely have a mutation on a recessive allele that codes for their orange fur to be white in color. They still have their stripes. Albino tigers have no stripes at all.

White tigers grow at a faster and heavier rate than orange Bengal tigers.

White tigers are extremely rare and have only been spotted in India.

Tigers can jump up to 33 meters.

The only mammals known to kill and eat humans are tigers and polar bears.

The only animal a tiger will not attack is an elephant.

There are more wild tigers in India than all tigers in the rest of the world.

About 90% of a tiger's attempt to catch prey, fail.

Domestic cats purr when breathing in and out. Tigers purr only when breathing out due to their larger nasal morphology.