My Very Own Pages!
This is the hobby page related to
This is my very own page, with my birdies, pictures, guest pictures, and guestbook - as well as the fun links!  Have fun, and if you have pics of your birdies you want to put on the guest page, please e-mail them to me along with any pertinent details - we're always happy to have company!
The purpose of this site is to indulge in and enjoy the marvels of life that birds bring about.  I am the surprised but happy 'mommy' to eleven wonderful little creatures.  You can see their pictures on their page, and they are featured in various articles on the site, exhibiting their talents, their gifts, and in some cases the interesting stories of their lives. 

This is my hobby page, but to get to the help and information you can go to the business site, which is, yes, you guessed it, !
View my old guest book.
Pictures of my birds
Yahoo changed their format - view my old guestbook above, sign and view the new format below!
Guest pics are finally here!