Sure-Fire Business Plan

Is your business lagging behind? Are you tired of watching other businesses zooming ahead of you? Are you tired of wondering how they do it? Well stop wondering, here are all the top secrets on how the major business are so successful. Make more money then you ever dreamed of making and without spending all your savings on a business consultant.

  1. Invent Something

    1. Find Some Geniuses

      1. Look for Intelligent-Sounding Names in:
        1. Victoria, BC Phone Book
        2. IMB Research Labs Lay-off Roster
        3. "Nanotechnology Today" Subscriber List

      2. Send Friends to Look in:
        1. Some Big Libraries
        2. UBC Dorms
        3. McDonald's

    2. Hire Them to Design and Build It
      1. Take Out a Loan
      2. Wave Cash Under Their Noses
      3. Rent a Big House with a Lab in Back

  2. Market It Big Time
    1. Run Lots of TV Ads
    2. Open a Web Site
    3. Rake in the Green
Now that your business is up and running smoothly, want to know how to win at golf?

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