
Bios are comming in now.T hanks for comming and looking!

Bio of 'The Penguin'

Alias: Penguin
Nick Names: Pugwing, Juje, Angel, Youlie, Julie-chan..PINK OMPALOMPA WITH PURPLE HIGHLIGHTS!.there are many others
Age: 17
D.O.B: Feb 2, 1986
Satus: Non-single
Home Url: Enter the Penguin
School: South Brunswick High (SBHS)
Location: East Coast
Favorite Writer: Anne Rice
Favorite Band: KoRn
Likes: Non-cluttered sites, helpful sites, the internet, rp'ing, her computer, music
Dislikes: Everything else...besides her friends

Tigherlight'S Bio

Alias: Ice Demon of hell...Shiva
Nick names: Bad girl. Demon...Shivie. Pretty person. Wench. Ice Demon...Dio.
Age375 and 3 seconds....4....5...
D.O.B May, 3rd,1630
Status: Looking..but I still don't see any one that is old enough for me yet
Home Url: Where do you think this place came out of ?...Thin air?
Shcool:Demon Hell-hole called Sbhs
Location:No where near you..
Favorite Singer: Gackt..Ayumi and Dir En Grey
Favoirte Food:......Ice cream..and....Vanilla coke.
Likes Tj. People with open minds. Ice cream. Vanilla coke. Enishi. Gackt. "pink" and anything else that comes to mind.
Dis-likes: People with aggroacen and the inablity to not to be able to spell(thats me). Closed-mined attuides and Narrow-mined objections to everyday life.

Vixen's Biography

Alias: Vixen
Nicknames: ...otherwize NONE!
Age: 11,026
D.O.B.: January 29, 9023 B.C.
Status: Married
Hame Url: To be announced - If ever
School: ... Annandale High School. Home of the Idiots.
Location: Bejeweled City
Favorite Group: Drunken Tiger
Favorite Character: Sephiroth ( Both Final Fantasy VII and Kingdom Hearts ). *grins* Did you except anyone else?
Likes: Sephiroth. Smiting. Sephiroth. Drawing anime-style. Sephiroth. Playing music. Sephiroth. My rainbow pride.... Did I mention Sephiroth?
Dis-Likes: Anyone who disses me or uses my bisexuality as a target for anything negative. Hojo. Needles. Tigerlight's many typos.

Info on the Moonlady!

Alias: Nekuyo, the scitzo girl, eviiiil one, Hannah
Nicknames: ML, Neku-sama
Age: 30,074 years, 10 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, 9 hours, 6 minutes, and 27 seconds
D.O.B: January 13th 30,074 years ago
Status: Depends on who you talk to....
Home URL:
School: School of the Sorcerer's Guild
Location: Hello, lookit the name please...
Fav Singer: Garth Brooks, Billy Gillman
Fav Food: Pizza, Dr. Pepper, Any kind of cheese non-moldy
Likes: KH Sephy ( >P @ Vixen ) KH Riku, water balloons, rock-wall climbing, the Nightmare Before Christmas, Anime, Manga, drawing, cats, CHICHIRI!!! and magical beings (especially hobbits).
Dis-likes: Barney, spiders, giants, ogre's, Larry Price, any diet soft-drink, Coke, heights, and that stupid Darkside heartless that just DOESN'T give up!!

Demon's Info on his current life...

Alias:Dark Mage DEUS

Nick Names: korvorkian, master, THE PYRO, SATAN, The Mexican, amish boy, SATAN, not so merciful one, SATAN, Lucifer, fallen angel...oh yeah, BREAK DANCE MASTER,Fenris, Darctel Son Graton, Zephyr mage, your death, Soul Reaper.

Age: time+ some

D.o.b.: ?

Status: love is a dangerous weapon and must be hune with great care..." (Tigher: Like He would know....)

Home Url: space... the final frontier...

School:*note shiva cant spell worth shit* back water swampy stank ass SBHS

Location: Urectum

Favorite Author: JRR TOLKIEN,Stephen King(mystery/horror writter God)

Favorite Food: what do u got?

Likes: my job, study of ancient religions and arts of war, saving the day, kicking names and taking ass, friends and most of family( excludess mother), hacking, almost any Anime/Manga you can find, first person shooters...ect,electronia, techno, house, break dancing, people w/ intelegence(Like Shiva! =^_~=), studing ancient languages and texts.

Dislikes: stupid people, stupid people that think they are smart, preps, complete imbisols,my life, fear and those who use it, desrucion of inoccent people, those who believe that thier way/religion is the only way.

Site owned by Tigherlight. Layout designed by
Image by Yukirin, courtesy of Boy's Wallpaper Studio.


- Main Ocean on the ice.
- The links
- Bios!
- Gackt
- Kingdom of Demonica


- Pretty Boys Love Lemon.
- Link 2
- Link 3
- Link 4
- Link 5

Fun stuff to keep you happy

- Music
- Pictures
- Wallpaper
- Final Fantasy Haven
- Link 5

Fan site wantings or askings

- Link 1
- Link 2
- Link to a dancers page.
- Link 4
- Link 5

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