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We are on the streets of New York City inside of the limo of Jack Hendrix.  Five days removed from his defeat at Holiday Hell...Hendrix is not in a very pleasant mood.  But now he has something else to focus on.  He is facing Simon Jacobs at Countdown to Extinction for the Dirty South Title and he has to forget the past and enter into the new year as the Dirty South Champion and one step closer to the Eternal Title. 

As we ride along we hear Hendrix talking on his cell phone. 

HENDRIX:  How hard is it to understand.  This is your boss...Hendrix.  I am headed to The New York Experience for an interview with Tigga and I want the conference room prepped for us.  He may arrive before me because my plane was delayed and I would appreciate it if you would treat him with respect.  Give him anything he needs....within reason.  Understand?  Good.  I should be there in ten minutes. 

Hendrix hangs the phone up and just shakes his head at the incompetence of his staff.  We travel up the road a little farther and finally arrive at Hendrix's nightclub.  He gets out of the car and walks on the red carpet that has been provided for him.  Hendrix is all of the sudden swarmed by fans and he stops to sign a few autographs and steps inside the NYE.  The club is closed so there are no customers at this time.  He goes to the bar and the bartender hurridly gets a drink for him.  The doorman informs Hendrix that Tigga has arrived and is waiting in the conference room.  Hendrix gets his drink and steps into the conference room.  He walks up to the table and him and Tigga exchange pleasantries.  He takes a seat and lights up a cigar.  He offers Tigga one but is turned down.  Hendrix shrugs and puts it back in the humador.  The camera gets in position and Tigga begins the interview.

TIGGA:  Well Hendrix....thanks for having be into your establishment.

HENDRIX:  No problem man.  I thought it would be the most comfortable place to conduct an interview.  Considering we missed the interview before Holiday Hell. 

TIGGA:  Well...that couldnt be avoided. 

HENDRIX:  Thats aight Tigga.  I wasnt in the mood that night anyway. 

A waitress comes in and brings some drinks in to the two men.

TIGGA:  Well...as you probably figured out...I wanted to ask you your thoughts on Holiday Hell and  your loss in the first round to Griggs and Ice.

HENDRIX:  What do you think I feel like?  Disappointed.  I wanted to win just as much as the next person.  But it wasnt in the cards that night.  If I had a partner that thought about someone besides himself then it may have been a different outcome.  But I lost.  Thats the past.  I have bigger things to worry about. 

Tigga nods his head in agreement.  Hendrix sits back in the leather chair and takes a long drag of his cigar. 

TIGGA:  Speaking of your partner at Holiday Hell...it has seemed lately that you and Kid X have been compared to one another.  They say that you are taking the same road as the former Eternal Champion is.  Do you agree with this? 

HENDRIX:  Hell no.  Me and Kid X are two completely different entities.  The only comparison I can see is that we both are or were members of the Cold Blooded Killers.  Besides that I really dont appreciate being compared to him.  Some people may think it a compliment to be compared to a former Eternal Champion but I dont.  I am Jack fucking Hendrix.  Not Jack X. 

TIGGA:  I see your point...I think.  But I am curious about something else also.  Was there any disention amongst the CBK members after your match?  Because it was Ice that beat you and....

HENDRIX:  Before you go any further I dont wanna hear this shit.  Yeah...I did fight Ice.  He did beat me.  Its that simple.  Everyone was going for that golden ring and I dont blame Ice for knocking my ass out.  I would have done the same.  But as far as tension in the CBK.....just shut the fuck up about that shit.  We are as tight as ever.  Next question.

Tigga looks down at his paper and begins writing.  Then he goes on questioning.

TIGGA:  Sorry if I offended you. I am just doing my job.  But anyway....The time is drawing near for Countdown to Extinction and your match with Simon Jacobs for the Dirty South Title.  And some of the people in the DRWF think that you may not deserve this shot because you have only been in the federation for a short time.  Do you feel you deserve it?

HENDRIX:  Do I think I deserve it?  What kind of dumb fucking question is that?  Yes I feel I deserve it.  I beat Jacobs in the middle of the ring fair and square.  He offered me the shot and I accepted.  Who wouldnt?  And besides....I know I have the talent and ability to beat him again.  But as far as these motherfuckers out there saying I dont deserve it....if they wanna step into my world and find out what I can do then let them try it.  I hear whining from people out there saying that the newer guys are getting too much credit.  They just cant face the fact their days are over.  They cant face the fact that people like me are the future of the DRWF.  But they will all be eating their words soon enough.

TIGGA:  Well Hendrix...looking at your record it isnt that impressive.

HENDRIX:  Not that impressive?  You are a fucking moron.  If you noticed my first opponent...Triple X....punked out and didnt even show up for our match.  So what did they do...put me in against Joel Lavey.  I beat the shit outta him until Aaron Awesome came in and decided to stick his nose into it and they double teamed me.  That was my first fucking match.  My next match I faced the "almighty" Tiger and we didnt get anything solved.  And my last match was against Jacobs and I beat him.  So what exactly is not so impressive?  It may not be that great to you but I held my own against the best you all have to offer.  When they show up.

Hendrix cell phone rings and he answers it.  He talks to the person on the other line and then hangs up. He downs his drink and orders another.

TIGGA:  Well it seems that Simon Jacobs really hasnt been paying much attention to you lately.  When mentioning you it seems that he feels you will be an easy win.  He also said that your win was a fluke. 

HENDRIX:  I know what you are trying to do Tigga.  Telling me what Jacobs was saying and I am supposed to get all pissed off.  Well it isnt gonna work.  You see....Jacobs can write me off as another win in his belt but he cant deny that I beat him.  It will always be in the back of his mind that I pinned him.  He cant deny it.  He cant deny the fact that this newcomer beat him...the Dirty South Champion.  And even worse....he got beat by the oldest trick in the book. 

TIGGA:  Yeah...it was hard to believe that a saavy vet like Jacobs was fooled by such a juvenile trick. But I dont think he will be fooled like that again.

Hendrix gets up from his chair and walks over to the windown and looks out as he continues to speak.

HENDRIX:  Well...if he does then he doesnt deserve the respect I gave him.  And my respect isnt given to many people.  Personally I think Jacobs is a very intelligent wrestler.  But intelligence isnt gonna help him.  He has to have the talent and heart to go with it.  And in our first meeting he showed me what he is all about.  Now I know what I have to do to beat him.  And even if it takes everything I got I am gonna bring that Dirty South Title to the CbK.  Whether everyone feels I deserve it or not.

Hendrix office phone rings.  He answers it and excuses himself for a second.  He is talking to the perosn on the other line.

HENDRIX:  Yes let them in you imbecile.  I invited them down.  Make sure they get what they want on the house too.  And if I hear that you gave them shit you will be looking for another job.  Comprende?

Hendrix hangs up and apologizes for the interruption. 

TIGGA:  Now as I was sayin.....

Just then the door slams open and in walks IcE, A-Poc, Big E and Will.  Hendrix gets up and greets them all.  Tigga just sits there with an angry look on his face.  The guys take a seat at the table and the waitress brings in their drinks. 

A-POC:  Damn Hendrix....you been holding out on us?  This is a nice fucking place.

IcE:  Yeah. Ive seen this place before but I didnt know you owned it.  Yall must have a lot of money invested into this.

HENDRIX:  This is one of 10 in the chain.  Everyone a moneymaker man.  Bout time yall got here I have been expecting you for about an hour.

Hendrix hands out some cigars to the guys.  Tigga is getting angrier by the moment.

TIGGA:  Excuse me.  Can we get this.....

Hendrix looks over at Tigga.

HENDRIX:  Oh. I forgot you were there.  You can leave now....unless you wanna join the party.

TIGGA:  Nah.  I have another promo to do with someone else. 

Tigga and the cameraman leave as the others just laugh.

BIG E:  Did we interrupt something?  Seems like ole Tigga was pissed.

HENDRIX:  Nah.  He was getting on my nerves anyway.  These fucking joke interviewers they have here are always disrespecting me.  Someday they are gonna learn...even if I have to beat it into their tiny skulls

A-POC:  Yeah.  When you beat Jacobs you will get some respect.  We got faith in you.

IcE:  Hows the head feeling man? 

HENDRIX:  I still have a helluva headache.  Yall kicked my ass a Holiday Hell.  Of course if I had a decent partner it may have been a little different.

IcE laughs at Hendrix as the waiters and waitress bring the food in.

Ice:  If you wanna think that kid.  Anyway....lets get this started.  Im hungry as a motherfucker.

BIG WILL:  Yeah.  Me too.  All this shit goin on is making me hungry. 

BIG E:  How does sitting on your ass all day make you hungry?

Everyone just laughs as Will takes a bit out of a sandwich.  The party is beginning at the New York eXperience but the real party begins at Countdown to Extinction when the CBK walks in and takes over.  Jack Hendrix as the new Dirty South Champion......Kid X getting destroyed by Ice....A-Poc walking out with the Eternal Title on his shoulder and Tiger being sent to the slaughterhouse by Ace.  Either way you look at it the DRWF has become the territory of the Cold Blooded Killers and as the saying goes "Whether you like it or not...its the best thing going today."