(It is a cold winters night in Charleton, West Virginia. We are outside the Charleton Hospital as the snow falls onto the quiet streets. As we look at the doorway we can see a rather tall figure emerge from the entrance. As he steps under the street light we can see that it is none other than the DRWF Dirty South champion Jack Hendrix.

Hendrix lights up a cigarette and walks over and takes a seat on a bench nearby. He puts his head in his hands and looks down at the ground. It seems that the fifteen degree weather has no effect on him. That is mind is somewhere else. But thats what you would expect to see from a man that just two days before saw his friend get beaten almost to death in a wrestling match. A match that Hendrix himself was involved in. And he watched this all happen. Not knowing the end result. Feeling guilty for not stopping this. Guilt that could haunt him for the rest of his days.

As he sits there he is approached by a woman. She seems to be sobbing. She takes a seat beside Hendrix on the bench. She puts her hand on his head. Hendrix looks up at her.)

WOMAN: It isnt your fault Jack. I realize this and so does Adam. You couldnt have known this was gonna happen. Its part of the business.

HENDRIX: I was there though Cammi. I could have prevented it. He wouldnt be laying there if I would have stopped that psycho.

CAMMI: But you couldnt. You were taking care of business the only way you know how Jack. You had no way of helping or knowing for that matter. Adam stepped into that ring and he knew the risks. Just like you do. So dont blame yourself. You better go home and get some sleep. You have a big match Friday.

(She pats Hendrix on the back and leaves him alone on the bench. He collects himself and begins the long walk to his hotel room. As he reaches the hotel he asks the front desk for messages. They give him the messages and he heads up the stairs to his room. He unlocks the door and heads in. He takes his coat off and hangs it over a chair. As he looks around the dark room he can see a silouette of a figure standing in front of the window. He flips the light on and sees that it is none other than A-Poc.)

HENDRIX: How the hell did you get in my room and what the fuck are you doing here?

(A-Poc walks over to the couch and takes a seat. He instructs Hendrix to sit down.)

APOC: Jack. We gotta talk. We have been goin at each others throats for the last week or so and I feel that we have to resolve this right now.

(Hendrix lights up a cigarette. He takes a long drag as he glares at APOC.

(font color=blue>HENDRIX: Right now isnt the time. I have a lot on my mind right now. I have a friend laying in the hospital. I have some idiot out there walking around with my "Dirty Souf"title...as he calls it. And I have a big match with Criminal Mind on Friday. And I am starting to get unhinged.

A-Poc: Yeah. Thats understood. But you are big enough to take care of all this shit. You just gotta keep your head up and focused.

HENDRIX: I dont know how you are keeping sane. After what Jacobs did to you. And then Sean Hunter comes an and pulls his shit. If I were you I would probably be in jail right now. But I guess your experience helps you deal with this kind of shit.

(Hendrix gets up and pulls 2 Bolt 45s out of the refridgerator. He throws one to A-Poc.)

A-POC: Honestly Jack...I am about ready to kill someone. I dont care who it is but I am gonna have to take it out on someone. I hope I last until Forsaken.

HENDRIX: Well..you will get your chance to take care of those two idiots on Friday. I have to wait until Hatred to get my title back. But I guarantee you this man....when I finally get to go one on one with Nasty Nate that will be the last match you ever see him involved in the DRWF or anywhere. I am gonna cripple this motherfucker for life. All his talking shit and hitting me in the back is gonna all come back to him at Hatred. Maybe sooner.

A-POC: You have to worry about Criminal Mind first though. You gotta keep the CBK name up in lights.

HENDRIX: Yeah...Criminal Mind. That motherfucker got the FTW cheap. He doesnt deserve it and he knows it. If I would have been in that tournament he wouldnt have made it past the first round. I dont know where all these bitches get off jumping over me for titles but they will all find out in due time that I am the man that should have gotten that FTW title shot. And I will prove it when I take Criminal Mind off the minds of everyone.

A-POC: Well..dont take this boy lightly. He won the belt. And it doesnt matter how he did it...he still has it. And he has a lot to prove.

(Hendrix stands up and walks over to the window. He looks out at the quiet Charleston streets.)

HENDRIX: Dont worry Poc. I think that Forsaken Friday will be a good night for the Cold Blooded Killers. It should be a very good night.

(The camera fades to black)

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