Lehman & Ruth

Genealogy Homepage

Welcome to our web page. It gives us great pleasure to be able to share some of the vast amounts of information which we have gathered about our family. We have been interested in our family tree for several years now. We have spent many hours in Courthouses and Libraries looking for names that would make a connection to our family. In 1988, we started a printed monthly newsletter "GenealogyToday" which proved to be a great help as family members and friends would read the paper and send us information that was missing.

Generally speaking it is not possible to gather much information from our ancestors, because in most cases their minds and lips have been silenced by death. What they knew about their family is then forever lost. With this thought in mind it is important that we record what information we have and know for future generations.

We would like to thank our family and friends who have been very helpful along the way.



The family information is not available on this website at this time.

It may be made available again sometime in the future.













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This Page has been accessed times since June 21, 1996

This page last updated: Oct. 5, 2003

Page Created & Maintained by: Lehman &Ruth Tiller


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