Welcome To The SuperAdaptoid Review Column:
An informative non-technical elementary approach to adaptive, assistive, and alternative computer technology. Featuring low cost and affordable adaptive and assistive options.

The SuperAdaptoid As Test Subject:
Products, reviews, and comments have been experienced by the SuperAdaptoid as test subject. Your host and test subject is multi handicapped [partial paralysis], neuropathy [diminishing tactile sensation], with low -to- no vision [variable sight], and legally blind.

The SuperAdaptoid Review Column Dedication:
The SuperAdaptoid Review Column is dedicated to those First Time, Non-Technical, Users of Adapted Computers and Assistive Technology. As they experience a very new world of human relationship between man and machine technology. Those who are machine Enhanced, the machine Assisted, the machine Adapted, and the machine Dependent.

The SuperAdaptoid Review Column Presentation:
The SuperAdaptoid Review Column is an experienced based non-technical presentation. Identifying download demonstration locations. With basic information necessary to make and informed determination.

SuperAdaptoid Concept And The Philosophy Zone:
In specificity is the serious reality of ability and disability. In simplicity is the irony. Beyond * Editorial Policy * SuperAdaptoid is a * Concept * and * Philosophy *.

About The Author:
* Meet The Concept *

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* Philosophy Zone *

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