Welcome to Tim's"Captain Crunch"
home page
This page while not, perhaps the best or most professional looking in the world is nevertheless a small insight into my world.  On any given visit to this page you will find various images, links to other websites and pages.
  "This is not a webpage, this is a trip!
Last updated August 2002
Click on any thumbnail below to see the full size pic.  To see a lot more of my photos in my holiday photo page Click Here
Click here to see pics of "No Doubt" live in NYC.
Click on the Taxi Cow to access my cow page
Images of South Beach, Miami
Click for my New York page
Click here for Minneapolis page
To access my "Pets'n'Dogs'n'Rock'n'Roll" page click on the doggie
For my Barcelona page click here
Click here to go to my HOT-SHOT Page
Living in the UK?  Sick of paying High street prices for your CDs?  Then look no further!  Try "Audiostreet", all the current and new releases delivered to your door.  Click on the banner to go direct to the site.
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