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Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology 4

Associations, Centers and Other Organizations

  1. American Academy in Rome
  2. American Classical League
  3. American Numismatic Society
  4. American Oriental Society
  5. American Philological Association
  6. American Research Center in Egypt
  7. The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
  8. American Schools of Oriental Research
  9. American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
  10. Archaeological Institute of America
  11. Association of Ancient Historians
  12. The British Epigraphy Society Homepage
  13. British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem
  14. The Campanian Society
  15. Center for Ancient Studies at the University of Pennsylvania
  16. Center for Computer Analysis of Texts
  17. Center for the Study of Architecture
  18. Centre d'Histoire des Religions
  19. Centre for East Roman Studies at the University of Warwick
  20. Centre for Roman Studies
  21. Centre National de la Pr�histoire
  22. Le Centre Pierre Paris
  23. Centro para el Estudio Interprovincial en la Antig�edad Cl�sica
  24. Classical Association of Canada/Soci�t� canadienne des �tudes anciennes. Also at this server: E-mail addresses of Canadian Classicists.
  25. Classical Association of Minnesota
  26. Classical Association of New England
  27. Classical Association of Scotland
  28. Classical Association of the Middle West and South
  29. Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest
  30. Classical Association of Virginia
  31. Earthwatch.
  32. Hatti: Association des Amis de la Civilisation Hittite
  33. Institut fuer Altertumskunde. See the Antikensammlung.
  34. Institute for Advanced Studies
  35. Insitute for Antiquity and Christianity
  36. Insitute for Nautical Archaeology, Egypt
  37. International Council of Monuments and Sites. Includes Internet Resource Guide for Heritage Conservation
  38. The International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies
  39. Joint Association of Classical Teachers (JACT)
  40. Le Laboratoire d'Analyse Statistique des Langues Anciennes
  41. The Maryland Junior Classical League
  42. The Malcolm and Carolyn Wiener Laboratory for Aegean and Near Eastern Dendrochronology
  43. National Junior Classical League Home Page
  44. Oxford University Center for the Study of Ancient Texts
  45. Society for Late Antiquity
  46. Society for Libyan Studies
  47. The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
  48. The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
  49. Departments and Academic Programs or Units

  50. Albert-Ludwigs-Universit�t
  51. Althistorische Institute der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
  52. ACL List of Undergraduate Programs in Classics
  53. Amherst College
  54. Ancient Studies Collaborative Program
  55. Bates College
  56. Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford
  57. Boston University
  58. Brooklyn College
  59. Brooks School
  60. Brown University, Classics
  61. Brown University, Old World Archaeology and Art
  62. Bucknell University
  63. City University of New York
  64. Colby College, Archaeology.
  65. College of the Holy Cross
  66. Cornell University
  67. Duke University
  68. Florida State University
  69. George Mason University
  70. Harvard University
  71. Indiana University
  72. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Eastern Meditterranean Archaeology
  73. Latin/Greek Institute
  74. Miami University (Ohio)
  75. Montclair State University
  76. Oxford University
  77. Purdue University
  78. Rhodes College
  79. Rutgers University
  80. Saint Louis University
  81. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
  82. Stanford University
  83. SUNY at Buffalo
  84. Tel Aviv University, The Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology
  85. Trinity College
  86. Union Collge
  87. Universit� de Neuch�tel
  88. University College, Dublin
  89. University Departments and Programs. From ArchNet
  90. Univeriy of Barcelona
  91. University of California, Los Angelos
  92. University of Chicago
  93. University of Cincinnati
  94. University of Cologne, Archaeological Institute
  95. University of Evansville Department of Archaeology and Art History
  96. University of Glasgow
  97. University of Iowa
  98. University of Kentucky
  99. University of Leicester, School of Archaeological Studies
  100. University of Leicester, Ancient History
  101. University of Michigan, Classical Studies
  102. University of Michigan, Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology
  103. University of Mississippi
  104. University of Missouri, Art History and Archaeology
  105. University of Missouri, Classics
  106. University of Newcastle upon Tyne
  107. University of Oregon Teaching Materials for Ancient History
  108. University of Pittsburgh
  109. University of Queensland
  110. University of Saskatchewan
  111. Univerity of Texas at Austin
  112. University of Virginia
  113. University of Wales Swansea
  114. University of Waterloo
  115. University of Western Ontario
  116. University of Wisconsin, Madison
  117. Victoria University of Wellington
  118. Wabash College
  119. Washington University
  120. Wellesley College
  121. Wesleyan University, Classical Studies Department
  122. Course Materials and Teaching Resources

  123. Aegean Prehistory by Jeremy Rutter
  124. Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar
  125. Ancient Civilization Web Site
  126. Ancient Technology
  127. Archaeology: An Introduction - An electronic companion
  128. Augstine Seminar at the University of Pennsylvania
  129. Classics Course Database
  130. CyberLatin
  131. Daily Life Course Notes
  132. A Forum for Latin Teachers
  133. Greek History
  134. Internet Resources for Latin Teachers
  135. Introduction to Ancient Egypt
  136. An Introduction to Roman Archaeology
  137. Latin Course by James O'Donnell.
  138. Latin Teaching Materials
  139. The Midle East: From the Roman Empire to the Mongol Invasions
  140. New Tools for Teaching by James J. O'Donnell. This is a general introduction to the topic written by a Classicist.
  141. Resource Center for Roman history at Indiana University
  142. Software for Classics from Oxford
  143. Software from Zeus Interactive
  144. A Visual Tour Through Late Antiquity
  145. VRoma: A Virtual Community for the Teaching of Classics
  146. World Cultures: An Internet Classroom and Anthology
  147. Museums

  148. The Ancient Olympic Games Virtual Museum
  149. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford University. With pages for the Cast Gallery and Beazley Archive.
  150. The British Museum
  151. Brooklyn Museum
  152. Cagliari (Sardinia) Archaeological Museum
  153. David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, Univeristy of Chicago. The Catalog has pointers to Mediterranean material.
  154. Fine Arts Museum San Francisco
  155. Harvard Semitic Museum
  156. Harvard University Art Museums
  157. Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow
  158. Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology, University of Memphis
  159. The International Museum of the Horse
  160. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan
  161. Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  162. Louvre, Paris: Home Page, Oriental Galleries, Egyptian Galleries, Greek, Roman, and Etruscan Galleries
  163. Louvre, Paris: Le WebLouvre
  164. The Manchester Museum
  165. Metropolitan Museum of Art
  166. Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University. Ancient Egypt, Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome.
  167. Musei Vaticani
  168. Museum of Antiquities
  169. Musuem of Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri
  170. Museum of Classical Archaeology, University of Cambridge
  171. The Oriental Institute
  172. The Classical Collections of the Otago Museum
  173. Shefton Museum
  174. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology
  175. University Museum, University of Pennsylvania: Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology
  176. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
  177. University Museums, University of Mississippi
  178. Virtual Library entry for museums
  179. Atlases and Geographic Information

  180. Atlas of the Greek and Roman World
  181. Atlas historique de l'Antiquit� tardive
  182. Database and Atlas of Palaeovegetation
  183. Geography of Roman Gaul
  184. GIS Related Resources. From Holy Cross.
  185. Global Images from GRASS GIS. There are some nice images of the Mediterranean writ-large here.
  186. Interactive Ancient Mediterranean
  187. Maps and Codices of Roman Empire
  188. Maps of Regions of Greece
  189. Mediterranean Oceanic Database
  190. The Perry-Casta�eda Library Map Collection: Electronic Maps. Excellent resource for maps of particular countries.
  191. Perseus Atlas Project from Holy Cross.
  192. Thesaurus of Geogrpahic Names, The Getty Information Institute
  193. News Groups, Mail Lists and FAQs

    In order to read the news groups listed here, your Web client must be set to access an NNTP server.
  194. AegeaNet Information
  195. Archive of Ancient Mediterranean E-Mail Lists
  196. Classics List
  197. A list of e-mail lists (by Maria Pantelia)
  198. FAQ: Network resources of interest to anthropologists
  199. sci.archaeology
  200. sci.classics
  201. Other World Wide Web Servers

  202. W3 Home Page
  203. Expo: Point of departure for all Library of Congress Exhibits and more.

Background Notes:
2000 January 27: Spiral Galaxy In Centaurus
Credit : FORS1, VLT, ESO

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