SimCity 2000 - The City


There are six types of zones for building:

Military zones can only be placed by the game, once only.

There are other buildings which do not belong to a zone. They are the service buildings, educational buildings, power plants, awards, recreational buildings and arcologies.

Here are the pictures of some special buildings and different military buildings:

Service Buildings

Police Station Fire Station Hospital Prison
bspd.gif (4158 bytes) bsfire.gif (3878 bytes) bshosp.gif (4603 bytes) bsprison.gif (6015 bytes)

Educational Buildings

School College Library Museum
besch.gif (4188 bytes) becoll.gif (5895 bytes) belibrary.gif (2808 bytes) bemuseum.gif (4531 bytes)

Power Plants

Coal Oil Gas Wind
bpcoal.gif (3739 bytes) bpoil.gif (5754 bytes) bpgas.gif (6670 bytes) bpwind.gif (2140 bytes)
Nuclear Solar Microwave Fusion
bpnucl.gif (6669 bytes) bpsolar.gif (4143 bytes) bpmicro.gif (6336 bytes) bpfusion.gif (2892 bytes)

Award buildings

Mayor House City Hall Statue Llama Dome
bamayor.gif (2403 bytes) bachall.gif (3748 bytes) bastatue.gif (2233 bytes) ballama.gif (7940 bytes)


Plymouth Arco Forest Arco
barco1.gif (8513 bytes)
Darco Launch Arco

Military Buildings

Airforce Base Military Base
bmafbase.gif (10690 bytes) bmarmy.gif (9928 bytes)
Navy Base Missle Silo
bmnavy.gif (10582 bytes) bmsilo.gif (3153 bytes)