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Add-ons for Quake Registered 1.01 and higher

Read this UPDATED file for instructions on installing these addons and levels. You may also need some of the files in the Utils section.

QCC: QuakeC Compiler
QCC for Win32: Pentium-enhanced
Quake assembler
PAT21B.ZIP: Patch.exe, required for some QuakeC addons
Quake 1.06 QuakeC Source Code
ACC: QuakeC Compiler/Decompiler

Be Your Own Monster v1.0
Corpse: makes monsters gibbable, pushable
Solid monsters: makes them gibbable
Ogre Friend v4.0: Makes some monsters your friends
MonDM: In DM, makes you a random monster
Morph: Be one of 6 monsters (cool!)
Spot: Like Friend, but better
WaterMon: makes monsters surface for air, swim properly
XSoldier: Makes Grunts sometimes use nailgun, grenade, or Supershotgun
ZombieBomb: Makes some zombies charge player and blow up
SnakeMan: A cool new monster with two nailguns. Levels: 1, 2, 3 From Bubbah
ZombieGenerator: Makes Zombies "infect" others, gives you zombie gun to infect others
CyberDemon: The Doom monster is back!!!

Blast: Gives you the Enforcer weapon
Drunk Missile: New weapon from Rise of the Triad
Pipe Bomb: Pipebombs (like in Duke3D)
Punish 1.21: Four new/modified weapons
Homing missles
ThrowAxe: Allows you to throw your axe
Terrorist Weapons: Tag grenades, Vampire Thunderbolt
Lava Gun: Plasma Rifle-like weapon
Proximity mines
Laser gun
Darts: Explosive dart gun
Quad Switch: Button to turn on/off Quad Damage
Ricochet: Allows bullets to ricochet
Sniper: High-powered Sniper Rifle
Genius: Heat-seeking missle
Bone: Allows you to throw the dogs an explosive bone
Demolition Charge: Remote-controlled bombs
Banana: Throw bananas to make others slip. From Quake Command
Eject: See the shotgun shells eject. From Quake Command
Petdogs: Gun to spawn dogs to help you
Shoka(TM): Makes everyone fly back by explosion instead of being hurt
BFG: The faithful BFG from Doom
AirFist: Compressed air weapon
Spawn Berzerk: Modifies Quad Damage so it only works with the axe
Atom Bomb: Now this baby does REAL damage
Freezer Gun: Freeze monster for several seconds
IRONWULVT Nine new weapons and more
LightBomb: Temporarily blinds everyone in the room
Grappling Hook: Hang from the ceiling, walls, etc.
Sword that replaces the axe. Pretty cool.

Quake Wizards: Gives you D&D-like spells
Quake Magic: Fireball, Black Hole, etc.
Arch Mages: MANY cool spells

Aircraft Beta 1: Plane you can fly around from Quake Command
Sneak Attack: Additional level for Aircraft Beta
HeliQuake: Helecopter with five weapons
JetPack 1.1: Duke3D-like jetpack
QuakeMech: Like MechWarrior 2
QuakeRally home page: AWESOME racecar game
Speeder Bike from StarWars

Automated BG Bot: Automated bot that helps you or fights you
Swimming Bot: Automated bot that fights you
Automated TM Bot: Automated bot that helps and protects you
CTF Bot: Bot for Capture The Flag
Reaper Bot: One of the best bots
The Oak: Named after Arnold, of course

QSports: Currently only QSoccer, but it looks cool
NewSkinz: Gives you 19 new skins (not MultiSkin, but compatible)
MultiSkin 1.2: 19 new skins for multiplayer games
Severed Player: Cut body parts off your dm enemies
QW Severed Player: Cut body parts off your dm enemies (for QuakeWorld)
Team Fortress
Knight Quess: Quake Chess
DMModes: additional DM/Coop modes
ThreeWave, with Capture the Flag and other cool add-ons

Operation Bayshield
Movies by the Rangers
Quake Movie Team
Avatar Quake Movies

Blood: Makes game bloodier
Eat gibs to increase health
Flashlight: Gives you a flashlight
Kick: Adds kick to weapons
Gore: Makes Quake gorier
Flares: Flares to light path, stick to wall
QCheat: Makes more cheat codes (pentagram, biosuit, etc.)
Violence: More violence (with much more gibs!)
Camera: Security cameras, like Duke3D
Decoy: Like HoloDuke, but better
Step: Adds player footstep sound
QuakePlus: Adds many cool features to Quake, such as gibbable monsters, a use key, and backpack improvements
Fear 1.3: Another cool compilation with many new weapons
Killer Quake Patch: Absolutely the best QuakeC compilation, with new weapons and much, much more
DMPlus: Adds BFG, tripwires, wallbomb, cluster bomb, and more
D-Toolz: Allows you to throw backpacks with whatever you want to your friends, adds a noexit code, and more.
Tractor Beam: Take control of an opponent
Chase Camera: The name says it all, like F7 in Duke3D
Compass: Gives you a N/NW/W/SW/S/SE/E/NE compass
Quego: Lego Quake
JetPack: Add-on from Quake Command with .mdl
Antichrist Superstar TC
Star Wars Quake

Level-Editing Utilities
QUtils (Converts MAPs to BSPs) (also: Win95 version
WorldCraft 1.1 (best level editor) (Requires DirectX 3.0) (tutorial)
Thred homepage: 2nd best level editor
Quest v1.092 .BSP editor
BSP: Another great Win32 level editor
QuMa 1.5: A Win95 level editor (Requires DirectX 3.0)
Qoole: Quake Object Oriented Level Editor
QEd, by the maker of DoomCAD
Stoneless Home Page: Win95/WinNT level editor

Commercial Addons
Scourge of Armagon
Dissolution of Eternity

Other Files
QuAdS: Great level/QuakeC front end, needs VB5 runtime, included in this all-in-one setup file
Quake Control Center for warping, file conversion, etc.
QuakeC Front End 1.5 (also required .DLLs)
UseQuake for key binding
Beavis and Butthead Deathmatch Sounds
Quake Win32 Dedicated Server Version 1.06
Quake Spy: Find Quake servers on the Internet
Parallel Port IPX Driver
QuakePing v1.1 to check if a server is running
MageLink v1.18.018ß transfers files over IPX network (also- Pentium version)
Name Fun: Color name imstructions
Quake Server list page. Updated every 3 minutes
Linux Quake 1.01: executable only
Beame & Whiteside TCP/IP PPP Program
QuakePPP: Explanation of PPP Quake games. Includes B&W TCP/IP
QuakeSkins 1.2: Allows you to use new skins for Quake
Ultimate Quake: A huge Quake addon, with dozens of spells. Files 1, 2, and 3

New levels for Quake Registered
Read this UPDATED file for instructions on installing these addons and levels.

A Bishop's Bane
Beyond Belief (9 levels!!!)
Call a Plumber
The Castle Amber
Colored Lighting example (cool)
Corporal Punishment
Dark Ages
Dark Halls [dm]
Darkness Diabotical
Da God Damned Skull [dm]
DCDM3 [dm]
DCDM5 [dm]
Death Church
Death Mall [dm]
Death's Taste [dm]
Deguello [dm]
Devil's Decree
Dime [dm]
Enforcer The Disturbed
Doom2 Level 4 withe new textures
The Downward Spiral
The Epoch Turning
Fear Castle
The Forbidden Base
Fragtown [dm]
The Gib Factory
Giggler 3 [dm]
Giggler 4 [dm]
The Guardhouse
Happy Fun Quake
Hell's Castle
Hive, Part One
Horror Erotique
House of Desolution
id's CTF level [ctf]
Inferno [dm]
Judas24 [dm]
Kandy Base [dm]
Kandy City [dm]
Kysenty [dm]
Liquid Despair
The Lost World
Lunar Base 1 [dm]
Lunar Base 2 [dm]
Mancer's Little Drug [dm]
Manson1 [dm]
Manson2 [dm]
MarTim 5 [dm]
MarTim 6 [dm]
MBB7 and The Bastardry
Metal Church [dm]
Prelude to Apocalypse & Mordrigor's Demise
MunY 05 [dm]
MunY 09 [dm]
MunY 10 [dm]
Moonbase [dm]
Necrophobia [dm]
Notlob's Base
Notlob's Castle
Office of the Dead
Place of Belonging
Prepare for Hell
Prey 2
Fish Prison
Prodigy One
Prodigy Two
Prodigy Four
Prodigy Special Edition (5 levels!!!)
Pyro 2 - A Smash of Three
Quake Combat School
Retinal Tear
Royal Warriors
Shadow over Innsmouth
Skywalk [dm]
Smallworld/Doom2 map [dm]
Soul Grinder
Suicide Staccato
Temple of the Secret Society [dm]
Trilogy Military Installation
Triumph [dm]
The Underworld
The Vigil
Village of Dread
Vision of Hatred
The Well of Lost Souls
Zor's Cathedral [32-player dm]

BSP and PAK tools
Shambler QDTool 1, .bsp quakedef importer/exporter
Quake Editing Utilities v0.32 (compiled)
QuBE: Improved versions of QBSP, LIGHT, and VIS
QMapHack v1.11: BSP splitter/combiner, MIP2BMP
quip v0.1: NWT-like quake editor
Pakie: PAK/WAD2 editor
QPU v2.0: Views/edits PAK files
WinPak v1.2: Windows PAK unpacker
XPAK: Comprehensive .PAK file modification tool v0.3.6
QDTool v1.0: Exports QDef part of BSP files
Quake .BSP Editing Utils
QVer: Allows you to change the version number of .BSP files
QPed: Quake PAK editor with an Explorer interface (see homepage) (Requires DirectX 3.0)
Quake Pack Navigator for Win32
PakExplorer: Win95/NT PAK editor, similar to above program

Graphics and wireframe utilities and examples
QuakeSkins 1.2: Allows you to use new skins for Quake
UnWAD: Extracts images from WAD2 files
Terminator Player Texture
BobaFett Player Textures
MeDDLe v1.7 edits and views .mdl files
QuakeMe v2.3 .mdl viewer/editor for Windows
Han Solo
Homer Simpson
Impulse 9 player texture
Duke Nukem
QuakeMatch Screenshots

Quake Test Addons
(some may not work with the shareware version: these are mainly designed for the test)

Quake Test files.
The DOS .exe file, .pak file, and docs for Quake Test
The Linux executable (requires
The Linux executable 1a (requires

New (and modified) levels for the Quake Test
Phil's Quake Level W/Monsters
Modified Test1 Map w/ 3 Knights
Ogres & Wizards Test3 Level
Army Hell Test2 Level
"Rocket" Test1 level
Fury Test1 with new textures
First - First Quake map from scratch
Nails - Harder version of level 2
The Test Trilogy: 3 levels
Two Rooms - Another Quake map from scratch
EvilWay: Small level with monsters
Multi-player-related files for the Quake Test
Quake Packet Sniffer v0.3 for Linux server info
Info for parallel connections

Other files for the Quake Test
Handy Quake Action Keys v1.5 for more key binding
Steveo's quake.rc
List of Aliased 'SAY' commands

[NW] means Not Working, please E-Mail me if you notice any outdated links or can fix the ones that I have indicated with the [NW]
[dm] means that the file is a DeathMatch level

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This page, and all other web pages, is best viewed with MS Internet Explorer 3.0
Last updated August 3, 1997

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