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The Israel Prison Service - Unofficial Home Page

I am pleased to announce that on October 10, 2001 the Israel Prison Service has launched it's OFFICIAL Website at www.ips.gov.il. Please visit!!

The new official site has a Hebrew and an English version. The Hebrew version is more elaborate and contains many downloadable professional (Hebrew) articles, but the English version too offers much valuable information.
This unofficial site will stay open but will not be updated beyond October 2001.

The Main Goals of the Israel Prison Service
The IPS Strategic Mission Statement,
The Organizational Structure and Chart of the IPS
Statistical Information on the IPS as of 1/1/2000
Map of Israel with prisons (recommended for fast connections only)
News (as of 2001....)
Rehabilitation Programs
IPS Drug Problem Policy
The "Shalhevet" Program - Prisoners lecture in high schools against drug abuse
The IPS Chaplaincy and Religious Wards -- NEW!! --
The employment of women in the Israel Prison Service -- NEW!! --
The IPS Medical Services
Prisoner Employment
IPS Personnel - Working conditions, Recruting and Training
The IPS emblem
Other Relevant Resources

This site is dedicated to the memory of Brigadier-General Asher Refaeli, an outstanding officer and a true friend, whose substantial contribution to the Israel Prison Service will never be forgotten.

We would appreciate your comments to: yosibeck@netvision.net.il

olive oil