What's Catalunya? 

 The Tunnel 

 Games ranking 

 Who's who? 

 Laughs & laughs 

 Nothing's impossible! 


 The lost barretina 

 Q  U  A  Q 

 About the author 



   Feedback: that interaccion between people, now by means of verbal language now corporal. [Catalunya's Dictionary about web pages and other barbarousness].

   Now you know what it is. So... How 'bout a lil' step towards the posterity by signing in my guestbook? Or maybe you just prefer to take a look at it!

Sign My guestbook! View

   Now, if you've enjoyed my page so much that you'd like to have some kind of souvenir from Catalunya, here's your chance to link any of my brand new banners (animated or no-animated) to your page!

Catalunya's animated banner!

Catalunya's banner!

   If you decide to do so, please, let me know. The codes you have to use are the followings:

  • Animated:
    <center><a href="http://fly.to/Catalunya"><img src="//www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/7224/banner.gif" width=400 height=50 border=0 alt="Catalunya's animated banner!"></center>

  • No-animated:
    <center><a href="http://fly.to/Catalunya"><img src="//www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/7224/banner2.gif" width=400 height=50 border=0 alt="Catalunya's banner!"></center>
   IMPORTANT: This is NOT a banner exchange! If you want to show my banner on your page, I'll appreciate it and I will be very thankful, but I won't show yours. As you can see, this is a banner-free page, and I want it to remain like that.

   If you're NOT a pervert or a degenerated, I invite you to send me



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