Ultimate-Chaos Productions Webtraker!
"The end comes... from beyond chaos."
--Kefka, Final Fantasy VI
UPDATE: 12.1.99
After more than a year, an update??? Yes, believe it or not, it's true.

First, I have to comment on how GeoCities literally slit their wrists by going into this alliance with Yahoo!. Well, actually, I think I just said it. Mergers suck. They gave up their autonomy and the right to have live abcnews.com updates on their front page, for what seems to be a marginally faster server speed and a third level domain name (geocities.yahoo.com). Even worse, now we have to settle for this yourname.geo crap?? That just ain't right. I had the rights to earlthepearl at GeoCities long before Yahoo! even knew what online mail clients were. I couldn't help it if someone beat me to my nick at Yahoo!. And now, they're forcing me to take a back seat??? Gee, thanks guys. Way to thank me for being there for you back when GeoCities was just some piddly little site in the wild and crazy frontier days of the 'net... just a bustling town of about 20,000 people. I busted my donkey to support you guys and this is how you remember me. Yeah, thanks for nothing...

Oh well. At least they reactivated my virtual domain. But I hate it when people play with my emotions like that.

Well anyway... secondly, there is a BIG change coming. It's been under wraps here and elsewhere for awhile. (We did have to conduct a couple hundred lab experiments after all.... *sinister laugh*) All of the RPG coverage you could ever imagine, and more. That's right... Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Pokemon, etc. etc. It won't be for this site though. There's no just no way with only 18 Megs and no CGI. But I will tell you where it will be in a few days... watch this space.

Well, come to think of it, I might not be back here in a few days, so I'll tell you now. 12.11.99. That's the day that will set in motion a change in how console and PC RPGs are covered in cyberspace!!! Pretty exciting, isn't it?

You've seen how the others do it. And that's fine with me. I just got tired of watching!

I know, I know... what's so different about this that hasn't been already done by everyone else? Well, I don't know if I can put it into words. All I can say is that you'll have to see it for yourself! The URL will be announced around next Friday (the 11th).

Finally, on a personal note, I'd like to wish happy birthday to Embeth. I lost touch with her a while ago, but I just wanted to let her know that I haven't lost my memory of her. Happy birthday, Em!

I don't know what else to say...

Earl J.

UPDATE: 8.22.98
Just added a fanfic that I've been meaning to add for awhile. Be sure to check the new link below. If you've got 'em, then send 'em! I'm working on some other stuff here in my spare time that may not be all that apparent just yet, but stop back in often. You never know what you may find!

Earl J.

UPDATE: 8.8.98
Greetings to you, who have stumbled upon this page. This is of course, the reknowned (and yet so paradoxically obscure) homepage for Ultimate-Chaos Productions. What exactly do we produce? Webpages. RPG Webpages. Particularly one major project... one very major project which is currently consuming all of our time and energy at this point in time. So if you check this site often, don't be alarmed at the infrequent updates. They almost never happen. At least not here!

What we do plan to eventually have at this site is some sort of Animated GIF archive of characters from Role Playing Games (like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest/Warrior, etc.) as well as perhaps some other totally unrelated stuff to RPGs, like classic Video Game Java Applets, utilities, world's most beautiful women... that sorta thing. But because of the extremely limited manpower enlisted in this production group, that may not be happening for quite some time. But remember, we're always looking for help!

As you may well know, and even if you don't (you should) know that our massive project is The RPG-Source which has already been signed on as an affiliate of GGN: The GotGames Network and rising rival to IGN, a.k.a. Imagine Games Network. That's right friend, it's time for a little competition on the 'net! Also, we realize we have a long way to go with this one, but someday (you read it here first) the RPG-Source will be among the top RPG websites on the WWW. It may seem an empty threat now, but even websites like RPGamer will someday soon kneel in reverence to our power!

For now though, we do have a couple message boards and chat rooms up and running that are dying for some good post and chat action! They're always open 24-7-365, so if you're ever looking for something to do, you can always check them out! We'll try and organize some sort of chat meetings as well, if anyone is interested.

And of course... we do have our Webring! It will (hopefully) always be up and running. There's some good content in it too that would be worth the while to check out. We'd love to have your website in it too! Our code is the coolest and shouldn't throw off any element of your page design. We have had a few more site submissions last time I checked. The important thing to remember is to post the code on your page (which should come with the E-mail) before you let the ringmaster (namely myself) know that your site is all ready to "level up" and join the ring. We'll be using a universal code soon which I'll E-mail to all current and aspiring members of the ring... whenever I get the time.

That's really alls I got to say for now. We're always looking for help for the site. If you are interested, willing, dedicated... and all of that other good stuff, then feel free to contact me personally!

And hey... becareful out there. The world is just chock full 'o chaos these days.

Earl J.
Webmaster, CEO and President
Ultimate-Chaos Productions
The RPG-Source
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