Barside Bazaar
GSF Cloak of Armouring.

PRICE: 4,000 gold pieces

This beautiful winter cloak was made by skilled seamstresses, and is composed of the finest furs and lined with warm, cured sheepskin. The fur has been carefully dyed a rich, deep green, and the hem is trimmed with white leather. There are six small, pockets on each side of the cloak, for easy storage of precious items. The hood is constructed as the rest of the cloak, predominently green dyed fur with white leather trim and sheepskin lining, but an additional lining of velvet makes for an extremely comfortable interior. The cloak is affixed with a firm steel clasp, which is engraved with the symbol of Le Gild des Sorcieres du Forestburg. The cloak is made to fit an average sized human man, and can even be worn over most armour (depending on the size of the individual).

Aside from providing more than adequate protection against cold or wet weather, this handsome cloak has been enchanted by Le Gild des Sorcieres du Forestburg. It has been bestowed with an amount of magical protection that provides the wearer with added defense against most forms of attack. The protection is rated as a 1 on the Marver Scale, which, although the lowest calibre on this scale, is a supremely welcome additional benefit of wearing this finely crafted cloak. Simple and comfortable, wouldn't you feel that much safer to know that merely wearing this beautiful garment decreases any chance that you may come to harm. Who could ask for anything more practical?

In addition to the above attributes of the cloak, due to the enchantment, it is also more resistant to the effects of wear and tear than a mundane cloak of this kind would be.

The workmanship of the cloak is certified by the GSF, and the enchantments thereof are guaranteed to last the lifetime of the garment, barring magical interference.

Common Room | Hall | Barside Bazaar

January 25, 2000. Copyright Angelo Barovier 1998-2000.