Barside Bazaar
Chaucer's Seed.

PRICE: 15,000 gold pieces - SOLD

These dozen seeds are kept in a simple black leather pouch with a bark-rope drawstring. Despite the tawdry and rough appearance of the pouch, its contents are objects of highly refined magic. Of a sort. Seemingly normal, these objects appear to be dried seeds or beans of some kind. They are actually preserved plant bulbs, which will renew themselves if properly planted and watered. By following the simple instructions which would accompany them if purchased, the bulbs will soon sprout creeper vines that will seek to climb the nearest wall. Each 'seed' will normally sprout a vine that branches out and snakes along the wall, or surface, to effectively cover an area approximately equal to twenty-hands on either side, each year. If the vines are tended by an experienced gardener or perhaps a Naturaler wizard, this growth rate can be doubled. The term effectively, will be explained below. The leaves and vines will be of a dark shade of olive green, and in the fall, these vines flower a brilliant purple. In soil merely four-hands across and two-hands deep, the plant can survive indefinately, barring physical damage.

These seeds or, more correctly, bulbs were cultivated by the famed Naturaler wizard, Chaucer. Presumedly they were harvested from the first plant of this kind that he created, in his brilliant experimentations. They are highly sought after by collectors, historians, wizards and others. The Skylis Adventurers Guild is proud to offer this package of seeds to you, our members. We guarantee the authenticity of these items, which was verified by the most knowledgeable sources.

Once the vine has flowered for the first time, the area that was effectively covered will become immune to most scrying and divinations. Given sufficient care and the proper conditions, the vines can be coaxed to cover the entire interior of a room or other enclosed area, although it is more common to grow them on the exterior of an abode. Once the entire area has been grown over with the vine, that space becomes effectively shielded against the inquisitive eyes of most forms of remote viewing. The enchantment of these vines is such that even a small portal or doorway can be left untouched by the plant and the area will still prove safe from the prying powers of detection. The vines themselves are immune to all forms of magical detection. Aside from an extremely high durability and the above abilities, the vines are relatively harmless.

Note: It is recommended that the bulbs be kept in the given pouch, if they are to be properly preserved.

Common Room | Hall | Barside Bazaar

January 25, 2000. Copyright Angelo Barovier 1998-2000.