Requisitions Wall
Dusteen Kosoban.
WANTED: Criminal
BY: The Kingdom of Orion

The gorig man known as Dusteen Kosoban, formerly Lord of Calvale, is hereby wanted by the Kingdom of Orion, for crimes against His Majesty's people. These crimes include High Treason and numerous counts of Murder, and he is to be considered a most dangerous fugitive, and is in forfeit of all rights. Any information directly leading to his capture will result in a reward of ten hundred gold pieces, a royal citation and an area of arable land.

Further information on this fugitive can be obtained, within the Kingdom of Orion, at most local Rangerguard outposts and offices. Outside the Kingdom of Orion, further information can be obtained at any Royal Orinian Consulate.

Proof of death will result in a reward of two hundred and fifty gold pieces. These conditions are officially warranted by the Kingdom of Orion and the Lords Council.

Contact: Any Rangerguard Outpost or Office, Any Royal Orinian Consulate
1,000 gold pieces and other for Information Leading To Capture
250 gold pieces for Proof of Death

Common Room | Hall | Requisitions Wall

January 31, 2000. Copyright Angelo Barovier 1999-2000.