
1.2 patch

this is the warcraft2 1.2 patch (506k)

kali .09m shareware

this is kali an internet gaming place to play games over the internet its really cool (1124k)

war2 saved game editor

its a saved game editor so you can edit how much money,oil,and lumber (17k)

war2 trainer (49k)

it tranes to play warcraft2


it allows you to play with out the cd but you cant do custom puds or movies i would just by the game

wardraft0.96 needs windows 95

you can edit every thing in wacraft2 (197k)

warcraft2 1.33 upgrade patch

its only for the 1.3 users


warcraft1 and 2 demos for pc and mac

warcraft2 strategy guide

the name says it all

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