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Black Magic's Red Alert page
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Welcome to Black Magic's
Red Alert Page!

Shutter-blind Effect Logo

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  • What's New?
    What's new in the world of Red Alert on this page?
  • Page Awards
    People recognize the efforts of various page authors by giving them various awards. My page will win a few of these, and you could view these awards on this page.
  • Surveys and Guestbook
    Here you will be able to cast your vote for various red alert topics. You also can sign my guestbook and let me know what you think of my page.
  • Message Boards, Chat room
    Here will be a discussion board in which you can post questions, comments, or just discuss things, I just have to be verified WebForum Provided by: Visit WebCity Canada!

    . You can Chat anytime and I have scheduled appearances.
  • Other WWW Links
    Links to other RA related pages.
  • Reviews and FAQs
    A new section dedicated to reviews and FAQs for Red Alert and all it's add-ons.
  • Cheats and Ressources
    Having trouble with winning in Red Alert? Do you want to change the face of Red Alert, get pictures and sounds out of Red Alert? Do you want the latest patches? If so, this is the place to go.
  • Maps
    Playing multiplayer Red Alert with the normal maps is fun but if you want new challenges in multiplayer games, these might help.
  • Pictures, Sound and Icons
    There are various ways to relive the sounds of the classics. You can find various Red Alert songs. Finally, if you want some cool RA graphics, click here
  • Multiplayer Tactics
    Here you can find various tactics for multiplayer games. The latest tactic : October 5th
  • Red Alert Gold
    A new section dedicated to the add-on for Red Alert called RAGold.

Welcome to Black Magic's Red Alert. My pages pay tribute to my favorite War/Strategy game; Command and Conquer:Red Alert. In my opinion, games of this genre are much more fun than fighting games, which i don't find very exciting, and very repetitive. I'd gladly play Dune 2 or Warcraft instead of Street Fighter II anyday. You will be able to find various Red Alert resources here, including add-ons like RA Gold, which adds classic CnC units and structures to Red Alert along with changing settings and adding new weapons!

      Whats New?

Happy Third Birthday Webpage!

On the net, 3 years is an eternity. I guess it's also pretty fitting that the Second Birthday of this site comes at the time of its 55 000th hit. Even though the old girl hasn't been updated for more than a year, it's still going strong. A legend in the Red Alert page world. What else can I say, I'll leave this site up as a tribute to a great game. Thanks for coming. Black Magic's Red Alert Page was 3 on March 23, 2000.

Tues, March 24th, 1998
So where's the party you ask? Well, I'll find a party applet and put it up some time soon. In these last few days, the page has got a surge of hits, anyways, I've decided to get this site back going. I'll start by re-showing the old layout, Here it is, some of the graphics my not work but it's still there, it's beenhere the whole time

Saturday, March 21st, 1998
Tomorow is this site's birthday! There will be a party update. What else can I say?

Friday, December 12, 1997
Well I knew that you were waiting for an update, so here it is. 2 new setions including an extensive one on Red Alert gold. Also, the cheat files, editors and patches that yu were waiting for.

Sunday, November 30, 1997
I have a sponser now, so support this site AllAdvantage. Try the new maps, there are unique bonuses in each.

Sunday, November 2, 1997
I have just created an
  • Aftermath Data and Review page
    and am working to create a mirror site at it may become my main page sometime soon.

    To see past page changes, click here.

          Surveys and Guestbook

    Here you can vote. In addition, you can fill out Black's guestbook and tell me what you think of my pages. If you want to, you can also view other people's entries.


    Vote on your favorite Unit in Red Alert
    Vote on your favorite; Command and Conquer or Red Alert

          Reviews and FAQs

    Many people ask me things like 'How do you beat level 10?' and 'Why is my animation choppy?' now you can find out answers to your questions that were probably already asked a million times.

  • Aftermath Data and Review page


    These following links have not been updated in a while. E-mail me if you want to have your link displayed here.

  • Josh's Non Red Alert page
  • The Tech Center
  • Enemy Nations
  • Stalin's Medal
  • Bad Ratbeast's page
  • Command and Connquer: Red Alert

          Cheats and Ressources

    E-mail me if you have a file you want to be displayed here.

    Cheats and Ressources
    F i l e n a m e S i z e D e s c r i p t i o n
    English patch v.1.08PE
    1179 KB
    The latest patch from westwood, a must get, if you haven't Aftermath
    RedEdit 97
    Red Edit 97: The overall best editor for Red Alert. Allows easy editing of 4000 setting, AI changes and more.
    size N/A
    This is an editor that allows you to build your own missions.
    Secret Ants Level
    HTML file
    How to get the secret ants level in counterstrike
    An excellent resource for use with Red Alert.
    Grenade trick
    HTML file
    To make Grenadier throw far
    Dakotas Rules.ini
    lets you run red alert from hd
    Red Alert Money for Win95.
    Red Alert Trainer for DOS.
    126x126 map not available in terrain editor.
    video ripper for all command and conquer
    audio ripper for red alert.
    rules.ini sent in to me to post. Check it out.
    rules.ini sent in to me to post.
    tells you how to place special things in map ed.
    Ra editor for DOS

          Multiplayer Maps

    Maps for multiplayer games, if never seen before are a very fun experience for all Red Alert players.E-mail me if you know where to find a cool map.

    Multiplayer maps
    F i l e n a m e S i z e
    Tunnel Rats
    NewMaps(4 cool edited maps)
    Black Pack1(my first map)
    Black Pack2(my second map)
    almost adult
    alien lake
    by air
    canadian hell
    chrono effects
    the cold war
    conquer me
    die hard
    garden of eden
    kill zone
    mississippi burning
    north vs. south
    ore madness
    peasant valley
    rat race
    strength in numbers
    swamp rage
    the route to victory
    tiberium gardens 2
    valley of death
    war zone

          Red Alert Gold 

    This section is dedicated to Red Alert Gold, a Red Alert add-on by cataclysm (RAG home page).
    from readme file
    Don't think that Westwood created Red Alert Gold, because they didn't. Red Alert Gold is a custom add-on that increases the life span of the already old Red Alert Game. Why another Red Alert add-on?

    Most Red Alert add-ons try to reinvent the entire game. Problem is that no one really wants to play a reinvented Red Alert. Red Alert Gold is very much similar to normal Red Alert except new units and structures have been added and the useless units (such as the wonderful radar jammer) has been replaced.

    What makes Red Alert Gold different from every other add-on?

    Besides trying to reinvent RA, most add-ons lack playability. All units have an archilles heel of some sort, and all units have some type of strategic value.

    What Red Alert Gold is not…

    It is not a C&C units into Red Alert type of thing. It uses the old C&C images for the new units. If you want to play with the old C&C units, go play C&C Gold. Also, Red Alert Gold is meant for multiplayer only. You can try to play the missions with the new units, but I wouldn't suggest it so do it on your own risk.
    Why play Red Alert Gold when there are so many new Real Time Strategy Games out?

    I agree that many of the new RTS games make Red Alert look like Pong by comparison but the new RTS games lack the great atmosphere Red Alert possessed with its crisp sound effects and great graphics. Red Alert is a classic. Red Alert Gold allows new interesting twists with Red Alert that are simply fun. Also, Red Alert Gold is free so its something to play while you save up money for that new RTS game. ;)
    RAG stuff
    F i l e n a m e D e s c r i p t i o n
    RAGold 1.3
    The Latest and last version of RAGold (fixed!)
    Red Alert v1.07 patch
    RAGold requires Red Alert v1.07, this installs it if you have a lower version, you may need to uninstall Red Alert if you have a higher version.
    Two sides .ini
    RAGold is normally both sides equal, this ini file gives differences between soviets and allies.
    Soviet mission pack
    Soviet mission pack, Warning not for newbies, these missions are hard but fun if you are an experienced RAG player.
    Red Alert Gold Map pack
    Cataclysm and the Beta testers of RAG have come up with an excellent multiplayer map pack for RAG, it works well for normal RAG also.
    Red Alert Gold v1.31 patch
    The latest patch for RAGold, does not work with normal RAG v1.3.
    NewRA v1.1
    The original Red Alert gold, download it and try it.
    Win95 Red Alert Gold Launcher
    A very good launcher for RAGold in windows 95, replaces the old DOS one.
    Red Alert Gold ScreenShots
    Warning these screenshots are pretty big and may take a while to load up.

    Comments, Suggestions, about the page should be E-MAILED:
    Please do not send questions asking how to use the cheat files
    If you are having problems, read the docs, or e-mail the authors, or try posting a message in one of the various MESSAGE BOARDS.
    Nick S.

    Links to the main page (this one) may be provided from your page. No other parts of this page including links to aftermath, music etc may be linked without my prior approval.
    All files are downloadable at your own risk. I will NOT be held responsible for any damage or other weird things that may be caused to your system. None of these programs were written by me. List of files here
    Red Alert is copyright 1995