T-REX's Mortal Kombat 4 Mini-Faq for Home Versions
--------------------------Alternate Costumes------------------------
To change clothes you need to flip the person's icon on the select screen!
Hold Start and hit any button to flip a select screen pic.
Flip once = alternate color
Flip twice = alternate uniform/weapon (except for Sonya, Kai, and Tanya)
Flip three times = alternate uniform/weapon for Sonya, Kai, and Tanya
----Liu Kang----                         |----Fujin----
Weapon:Jagged Sword(B-F-LK)              |Weapon:Crossbow (B-B-LP) 
Fireball: F - F - HP (can do in air)     |Spin throw:F-D-LP (hold LP) 
Low Fireball: F - F - LP                 |Levitate Opponent:F-D-F-HP 
Flying Kick: F,F HK (can do in air)      |Slam Opponent: B-F-D-LK 
Bicycle Kick: Hold LK (3 sec),Release    |           (after Levitate)
 *Fatality* Fan: F - F - B - LP (close)  |Dive Kick: D+LK (in air)
1) Dragon: F,F,F,D BLK+LK+HK (Psat Sweep)|Flying knee: D-F-HK 
2) Toss of Doom: F,D,D,U HP(close)       |*Fatality* Fan: D,D,D, HK 
Goro's Lair: F,F,B, HK                   |Goro's Lair: B,F,B, HP 
                                         |1)Cross bow kill: Tap BLK+RN
                                         |                (5x) (sweep)  
                                         |2)Skinner: D,F,F,U BLK(p.sweep) 
----Sonya----                          |----Kai----
Weapon:Spinning Blades(F-F-LK)         |Weapon:Small Blade(D-B-LP) 
Rings: B,D,F, LP                       |Hands Walking: BL+LK(BL to get up) 
Leg Throw: (Down)LP+BL                 |Leg Hit:(on hands)LK or HK(close) 
Bicycle Kick: B - B - D - HK           |Hand Spin:(on hands) Hold LP 
Square Wave: F - B - HP                |Above Fireball: B - B - HP 
Air Throw: BL (close, in air)          |Under Fireball: F - F - LP(+ air) 
Cartwheel: B,D,F, LK                   |RoundHouse:D,F,LK / Air Punch:D,F,HP
*Fatality* Fan: D,D,B,B,HK             |*Fatality* Fan:F,F,D, BLK 
Goro's Lair: F,D,F, HP                 |1)Body Rip: U,F,U,B, HK (close) 
1) Kiss: D,D,D,U + RUN (Sweep)         |2)Fireball: U,U,U,D, BLK (p.sweep) 
2) Leg Squeez: U,D,D,U HK (sweep)      |Goro's Lair: B,F,D, HK 

----Sub-Zero----                        |----Tanya----                
Weapon: Ice Staff (D-F-HK)              |Weapon:Boomerrang (F-F-HK) 
Freeze: D-F-LP                          |Fireball: B-D-F-HP 
Slide: B+LP+BL+LK                       |Splits Kick:F-D-B-LK 
Ice Clone: D-B-LP (can do in air)       |Down Fireball: F-D-B-LP(in air) 
*Fatality* Fan: D,U,U,U,HK              |Twist Kick: F, F, LK 
1) Head Rip: F-B-F-D-+ HP+BLK+RN(close) |*Fatality* Fan: B,F,D, HP 
2) Freeze: B-B-D-B- HP (Sweep)          |Goro's Lair: F,F,F, LP 
Goro's Lair: D,D,D,LK                   |1)Neck Break: D,F,D,F, HK(close) 
                                        |2)Twist Kiss:D,D,U,D HP+BL 
----Raiden----                          |----Quan Chi----
Weapon: Mallet (F - B - HP)             |Weapon:Chain Ball(D-B-HK) 
Lightning Bolt: F - D - B - LP          |Air Throw: BL (close, in air) 
Teleport: D - U                         |Green Skull: F - F - LP 
Torpedo Dive: F - F - LK(can do in air) |Weapon Steal: F - B - HP 
*Fatality* Fan: D - F - B - BL          |Stomp:F-D-LK Slide:F-F-HK 
1) Electrocution : F,B,U,U,HK (close)   |*Fatality* Fan: F,F,D,HP 
2) Impelment:D,U,U,U HP (close)         |Goro's Lair: F,F,B, LK 
Goro's Lair: F,F,D, LP                  |1)Leg Beat: Charge Lk,F,D,F(close) 
                                        |2)Imitation:U,U,D,D,LP(past sweep) 

----Scorpion----                        |----Reptile---- 
Weapon: Sword (F - F - HK)              |Weapon:Axe(B-B-LK) 
Spear: B - B - LP Fire Breath: D-F- LP  |Acid Spit: B-D-F-HP 
Teleport Punch: F-D-B-HP(can do in air) |Invisibility: BL+HK 
Air Throw: BL (close, in air)           |Dash Punch: B - F - LP 
*Fatality* Fan: F-F-D-D-LK (close)      |Super Krawl Move: B - F - LK 
1) Fire: B,F,F,B,BL (sweep)             |*Fatality* Fan: D,F,F,LP 
2) Scorpion Tear: B,F,D,U,HP (close)    |1)Face Chew:HP+HK+LK+LP+U (close)
Goro's Lair: B,F,F,LK                   |2)Acid Burn:U,D,D,D,HP(past sweep) 
                                        |Goro's Lair: D,D,F, HK

----Jarek----                           |----Johnny Cage---- 
Weapon: Knife (F - F - HP)              |Weapon:B.Sword(F,D,F,LK) 
Cannonball: B - F - LK                  |Shadow Kick: B - F - LK 
Bodyslam: B - D - B - HK                |Nut Punch: BL+LP 
Spin Blade: D - B - LP                  |Shadow Uppercut: B-D-B-HP 
Upwards Cannonball: F - D - F - HP      |High Fireball: D,F,HP 
*Fatality* Fan: F,D,F,HK                |Low Fireball: D,B,LP 
1)Heart rip: F,B,F,F,LK  (close)        |*Fatality* Fan:D,D,F,F,HK 
2) Eye Lazer:U,U,F,F,BLK(outside sweep) |1)Body Rip: F,B,D,D,HK (close) 
Goro's Lair: B,F,F, LP                  |2)Uppercut: D,D,F,D, BLK (close) 
                                        |Goro's Lair: B,F,F, LK 

----Jax----                             |----Reiko----
Weapon: Spiked Club (D-F-HP)            |Weapon:Spiked Club(D, B, HP) 
Ground Wave: F - F - D - LK             |Teleport:D-U(BL to throw when close) 
Dashing Punch: F - D - B - LP           |Flip Kick: B - D - F - HK 
Backbreaker: BL (in air) (close)        |Shurikens: D - F - LP 
Missle: D - F - LP                      |Circular Teleport: B - F - LK 
Quad Slam: LP (Close) then              |*Fatality* Fan: D,D,B, LP
(RN+BL+HK)(HP+LP+LK)                    |1)Body Kick: F,D,F,BLK+HK+LK+LP 
(HP+BL+LK)( HP+LP+HK+LK)                |2)Rage'n Stars:B,B,D,D,HK(p.sweep) 
*Fatality* Fan: F,F,B,LK                |Goro's Lair: F,F,D, LK 
1) Head Clap: B,F,F,D, BLK (close)      
2)Arm Rip: Charge LK, F,F,D,F release LK (close)       
Goro's Lair: F,F,B, HP 
Weapon: Bladed Staff (B - F - LP)     
Fujin: F - F - B - HK                     Reptile: B - B - F - BL  
Kai: F - F - F - LK                       Scorpion: F - B - LP 
Liu Kang: B - B - F - HK                  Sonya: F - D - F - HP
Quan Chi: B - F - B - F - LK              Tanya: B - F - D - BL
Jax: F - D - F - HK                       Reiko: B-B-B-BL
Jarek: B - B - B - LK                     Sub-Zero: D - B - LP
Raiden: D - F - F - HP                    Cage: D - D - HP
*Fatality* Fan: D,D,B, LP               
1)Hand of faith: D,B,F,D,RN (close)
2)The Clapper: D,U,U,D, BLK(close) 
Goro's Lair: U,D,B+HP (Do back and HP at the same time) 
 ---------------------------To Get The Cheat Menu-----------------------------
PSX: In a 2 player game put in the Kombat Kode 302 213. After that quit the game, then go to
the option menu then highlight Vs Screen Enable and hold Block and Run for 10 secs!
N64: At Options, highlight "Continue", then hold BL+RN until it appears.
PC: Unknown at this time!
Cheat Menu enables 4 options (Endings, Fatalities I, Fatalities II and Level Fatalities) 
Endings on: After you beat the first opponent, you see your characters Ending, 
Fatalities I, II, or Level on: (only pick one)
 when "Finish him" comes up, press Down + HP to exeucte the Fatality
 ---------------------------To Get The Secret Characters----------------------
You must first beat the game with Reiko and Shinnok: 
Goro:At select choose the "hidden" option! Go up 3 & over 1 to Shinnok & then Press
     BLK and RN together until the round starts!
Noob:Start a 2-player game and enter (012-012) on the VS. screen, Win with either player
     and make sure to continue. Now at select choose "hidden" option! Go up 2 & over 1 
     to Shinnok & then Press BLK and RN together until the round starts!
Meat: Beat "Group Mode" (keep choosing "group" in a 2 player game).
   Then select any character and they will be Meat, but with that person's moves
On N64:
Noob: Open Cheat Menu. At select, use Hidden, choose Reiko with BL+RN.
Goro: Open Cheat Menu. At select, use Hidden, choose Shinnok with BL+RN.
Meat: Beat "Group Mode" (keep choosing "group" in a 2 player game).
  Then select any character and they will be Meat, but with that person's moves
On PC:
Noob: At select, use Hidden, choose Reiko with BL+RN.
Goro: At select, use Hidden, choose Shinnok with BL+RN.
Meat: Beat "Group Mode" (keep choosing "group" in a 2 player game).
  Then select any character and they will be Meat, but with that person's moves
----------------------------Hidden Characters---------------------------------
----Goro----                             ----Noob Saibot----
Weaapon: None (Pick up & use only)       |Weapon: F - F - HK
Fireball: F - B - HP                     |Teleport: D - U
Air Stomp: F - F - B - HK                | While teleporting: Slam: BL
Two Hand Swipe: F - F - HP               |             Punch: HP or LP
Ground Stomp: B - F - D - D - HK         |             Kick: HK or LK
Lunge Kick: B - B - HK                   |Fireball: D - F - LP (also in air)
Super Uppercut: D - D - HP               |Air Throw: BL (close; in air)
Forward Stomp: ??                        |*Fatality* Fan:D - B - B - HK
Overhand Hit: ??                         |1)Body Rip: ??
Taunt: ??                                |2)Freeze: ??
*Fatality* NONE                          |Goro's Lair: F - D - F - HK
 -----------------------Kombat Kodes-------------------------------
123 123: One-Hit Win                  001-001: Unlimited Run 
012 012: Noob Saibot Mode             321-321: Big Heads
020 020: Red Rain                     111 111: Free Weapon
050 050: Explosive Kombat             222 222: Random Weapon 
002 002: Start with Weapon drawn      333 333: Randper Kombat 
100 100: Disable throws               444 444: Armed & Dangerous
110 110: Disable Max.Damage & Throws  555 555: Many Weapons 
010-010: Maximum Damage Disabled      666 666: Silent Kombat 
060-060: No Rain
------------------------Stage Select -------------------------------
011-011:Goro's Lair                     066-066:Reptile Stage  
022-022:Scorpion's Furnace Stage        101-101:Shaolin Temple 
033-033:Elder Gods Stage                202-202:Living Forest 
044-044:Tomb Stage                      303-303:Prison Stage 
055-055:Rain Stage                      313-313:Ice Pit
p.sweep= past sweep distance   U=Up D=Down F=Forward B=Back
HP/LP= High/Low Punch  HK/LK=High/Low Kick  BLK or BL=Block  RN=Run
D+RN = picks up weapons,and other objects on the ground
Throw Weapons= Same as taking it out!!
Charge= for move= hold button for 3 seconds. For fatality= hold button before
 it says "Finish Him",then release the button after you do the joystick movements

    Source: geocities.com/timessquare/battlefield/9833

               ( geocities.com/timessquare/battlefield)                   ( geocities.com/timessquare)