Candles Arkanum - The People Candles

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Below is a list of the players in the game. The biography's of the players contain the short introduction to the game that each player makes when they first start playing. More bio's will be up soon.

Bullet Stephane Auduc
Bullet Nick Carter (Games Master)
Bullet Paul von Fischer
Bullet Roger Hightower
Bullet Rick Hogan
Bullet Sophie Lagace'
Bullet Matt Langdon
Bullet Edmund M. Metheny
Bullet Maureen Pisani

There are many different characters in the game, only a few of them controlled by the players. I have seperated them into different categories in the table below. By clicking on a name you will be taken the character sheet for that particular person.

Mages (Player)

Bullet Antia of House Ex Miscellanea
Bullet Ationamus of House Bonisagus
Bullet Benedict of House Ex Miscellanea
Bullet Gabrielle of House Jerbiton
Bullet Restu of House Jerbiton
Bullet Sister Moon of House Verditius
Bullet Xathras of House Verditius

Mages (NPC)

Bullet Oxioun of House Tytalus, Praeco of the Provencal Tribunal
Bullet Stephen of House Mercere

Companions (Player)

Bullet Bruen Ors
Bullet Gabriel

Companions (NPC)

None at the moment

Grogs (Player)

None at the moment

Grogs (NPC)

Bullet Guy - Carpenter
Bullet Lessa - Cook
Bullet Simeon - Turb Sergeant

Other NPC's

Bullet Euristas

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