Wisdom Of Frogfucious

  1. "When you win enough exp. points, you will move to a higher level, gaining more power as you go. As a bonus, you can boost one category even more. Always choose the category that offers the biggest point gain."

  2. "I hate triathlons, I can barely walk, all can do is float. So if you're like me the one in Bowser's castle drives you nuts. Well I figured it out and here are the answers: First Place:I out rode (name) on my bike, and (name) was never able to pass me. Second Place: I fell into 4th place during the bike race, but finally ended up in the same place as I did in the swimming event. Third Place: I placed the same in the swimming and cycling events, but 2 others beat me in the marathon. Fourth Place: I came in 3rd for swmming."

  3. "Having trouble with the sunken ship password? Well while I was eating some crickets a little bird whisperd in my ear. It is PEARLS!"

  4. "Out with the old, in with the new. You should always remember to sell off old weapons and armor after you repace them with newer, better items. You will get more money, I highly recommend this course of action."

  5. "If you are having trouble finding the hidden treasure boxes, just equip the signal ring. You get it from Croro in a Nimbus Land hut after you beat Valentina. It will make a sweet chime if you are in an area that has a hidden box."

  6. "A wise amphibian said to always take the shortest path possible. You can reach either end of the play course by approaching it from the closest World Map location. To reach the end of a course, approach it from the World Map location that you reachedafter completing that course."

If you have any helpful thingse-mailthem in!!!

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