
Vali F A S E R I P 20 20 10 10 40 50 75 health60 karma165 pop: 0 Resources:Mn 75 Powers: body armor fb2 Immortality Healing:gd and 3 endurace ranks a day Endless Knights: He can cammand them to do something and they won't stop until he's dead --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F A S E R I P 20 20 20 30 2 2 0 weapons:blunt and edged that do IN dm Immortal:once they get to 0 health in 1-10 rounds they will get it all back -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Talents:Psycology,Mythology(specilized), electonics,computer,Martial arts a,b,e, military Contacts:Delphi,Achilles,Hela,Armageddon,Siingard,Ajax


F A S E R I P 40 30 100 100 30 40 20 Health:270 Karma:90 Pop:-30(75 in troyjan empire) Resources:MN(75) Powers: Energy Control-SH-Y200 True Invulnerability MN75 Energy Emmision-Sh-X150 Bionic hand-It has multiple attachments-(hand,Sh-x stasis,others unknown) Talents:Leadership,Government Contacts:Troyjan Empire

Typical Warrior Troyjan

F A S E R I P 40 10 20 20 6 6 6 Health: 90 Karma:18 Pop:0 Resources:gd Weapons:Body armor IN40 v Physical and ex vs Energy Blasters of AM energy damage and range Talents:Some sort of Combat, firearms,edged weapons

Bi-Beast 2

F A S E R I P AM RM UN MN IN/RM Gd/TY RM/RM HEALTH:255 Pop.-5 Karma: 80/66 Res:ty Known Powers: Bi-Beast has 2 faces and 2 brains both of which control the body. The first Set of stats are for the top head and the second are for the bottom TRUE INVULNERABILITY:AM TELEPORTATION:UN Talent:Engeinnering,DNA


F A S E R I P 20 10 40 40 10 6 6 Health:110 Karma:22 Pop:0 Resources:ex Powers: Body armor-fb2 Healing-gd and can heal endurance 3 times a day Energy reflection Sh-x (can absorb and energy amount including light and release at any time) Contacts:Pantheon


F A S E R I P 30 30 10 20 10 30 10 health:90 karma:70 pop:0 resources:fb2 Staff: UN100 ms can do rm 30 blunt damage or shoot a cuncussion blast of AM50 force up to 4 areas away. If it is on touch (must hit with fighting feat) it does UN100 concussive force and opponent must roll In edurance feat or be blinded for 1-10 rounds. Hair. Can use hair without penalty to attack. Does fb2 damage but is useful if she can't use arms. talents:MA A,C,D,E,Tumbling,Acrobatics, Strategy Contacts:The Hulk

Jason the Renegade

F A S E R I P 40 30 40 50 6 30 30 health:160 karma:66 pop:0 resources:ty Powers: body armor fb2 healing:good10 and can heal endurace 3 times a day. Gun:does RM energy damage and can't be healed with healing power. Victims agility and endurace are -2cs for 1-100 hours. Talents:Martial Arts b,firearms


F A S E R I P IN ex am am pr ty in HEALTH: 160 Pop.0 Karma: 50 Res:0 Known Powers: Can Permanently absorb parts of other bodies and minds. He does this by touch at AM vs. the opponents Psyche. He has some control of what he looks like but most of the time he is the following: *BODY ARMOR in *WATERBREATHING rm *PREHENSILE TAIL of Am strength *Claws gd *COSMIC ENERGY BLAST Un Contact:The Madman



Lou ? F A S E R I P ty ty ty ty ty gd ty HEALTH: 24 Pop.0 Karma:22 Res:ex Known Powers: Energy Pellets: Up to five at a time at am50 energy damage each Talent: Contact:Riot Squad, Members of Freehold


Jess ? F A S E R I P ty ty pr ty ty gd ty HEALTH: 22 Pop.0 Karma: 22 Res:ex Known Powers: Energy Feild: She can create a number of energy rings around a target. They do In dm on touch but can be broken if any of them takes 75 points of damage. Contact:Riot Squad, Membesr of Freehold


Diane ? F A S E R I P RM IN Mn AM Fb Ty Pr HEALTH: 195 Pop.0 Karma:12 Res:ex Known Powers: TRUE INVULNERABILITY:ex LEAPING:Un Claws: Pr edged Resist cold:In Weakness:Does'nt Know how to speak Contact:Riot Squad, Freehold


Father Jason McCall F A S E R I P Fb Ty Pr Pr Gd Gd Ex HEATH: 16 Pop.0(20 to followers) Karma: 40 Res:ex Known Powers: OMNIPOTENCE: SoulMan can do nearly antthing but doesn't realize it. He thinks He siphons power from god but in reallity is the power. When Using powers it takes him 50 to 100 turns and he eminates light the entire time. Talent:Religous Lore Contact:FreeHold residents


Samuel J. LaRoquette F A S E R I P ex gd in am ty ty ty HEATH: 120 Pop.-10 Karma:18 Res:ex Known Powers: Body Armor:IN-Physical and Energy *WhirlwindIN edged in a area *Spears: of AM edged *Giant Form Am Stength & typical land Speed(can't use other abilities though) *Flight:ty Talents:Archeology,Deep Sea Diving Contact:Members of Freehold,SHIELD,US Government


Gen. Thaudeus "Thunderbolt" Ross F A S E R I P RM ex rm rm fb fb 0 HEALTH:110 Pop.-10 Karma:4 Res:ex Known Powers: Armor Suit: *Energy Cannons Am range 6 areas (can shoot up to 5 per arm at the same time) *Rm body armor for Physical and Energy. Talent: Contact:The Leader -----------------------------------------------------


Mr. Shappe F A S E R I P Rm Am IN in gd rm ty HEALTH:160 Pop.0 Karma:46 Res:gd Known Powers: his phsical abilities are all ty but he can change into his speedfreek form where he has a superpowered suit on which gives him: *Am body armor *Super-Running at SH-X *Extended vision AM *Two blades that do up to UN edged *Un material Strength Cord with adamantium barb at end. The barb is cl1000 material strenth and does Un damage. SpeedFreek has so-many drugs goings through him it gives him the equivilent of TY6 IRON WILL. Talent:Occult Lore Contact:Mob bosses

Talos The Untamed

F A S E R I P 50 40 50 50 10 30 10 health 190 karma 50 pop:0 (10 to Skrulls) Resources:ex Powers: Invulnerability:AM50 Cybernetic Eye-Infravision gd10 AXE:Mn edged damage and material strength Talents:Weapon specialist Ax,Martial arts a,c,e,skrull blunt/edged weapons Contacts:Hulk,Skrull Empress


F A S E R I P 50 10 100 50 10 10 6 Health:210 Karma:26 Pop: -10 Resources:AM50 Powers: True Invulnerability-MN75 Power suit: *Body Armor-UN100 except face is exposed *Laser UN100-SH-X energy blast. *Energy emmision out hands-Mn 75 enery damage or UN100 stunning.(Range 1 area for enery and touch to stun) talents:Martial Arts B,C Contacts:Troyjan Empire