Marvel UK Characters


F A S E R I P UN UN UN UN UN UN UN Health: 400 Karma: 300 Popularity: - 5000 Resources: Class 1000 Special Powers: Charnel can use any know power with Shift X ability he does this through the use of magic and necromancy and such is immune to power negation. Skills: Martial Arts A,B,C,D,E, guns, robotics, occult lore, mystic origin Contacts: NONE

Death's Head II

F A S E R I P 40 50 100 100 50 50 40 Health 290 Karma:140 140 Popularity 15 Resources:AM50 SPECIAL POWERS: Body Armor: Death's Head II's exterior armor is a composite shell of augmented molybdenum, averaging 3 cm in thickness. His armor is stronger than adamantuim and is equivelent to Class 5000 material and gives him MN (75) protection to all types of attacks. Limited shape shifting: Death's Head II right arm is made from fluid ductile molybdenum which can be change in to for objects. All objects below are made of Class 5000 material. 1. Cranial disruption unit - This is the legacy of Project Minion that created the Minion cyborg that is now Death's Head II it was used to download the bio-chemical program of the selected target. Death's Head II never downloads the "insticts" of creatures. But if he ever did it would give him all skills possesed by the target. The target can attempt to resist unless they no health. It takes an Red Endurance Feat and then a Yellow Psyche Feat to resist. This weapon did AM (damage) 2. Plasma Weapon - This a high level plasma weapon with unlimited ammo and and a line of sight range does AM (50) damage. 3. Blade Weapon - The blade weapon can be as extravgent or as simple as Death's Head II wants no matter what shape it takes it does AM (50) damage. 4. A normal pattern human hand. Dimentional Travel: Death's Head II can transport himself and others to any know dimention with Class 1000 ability Time Travel: Death's Head II can transport himself or others to any point in history of any planet that ever was or will be with Class 1000 ability. Energy Sorce: Death's Head II draws the energy for his cyborg body from a fussion reactor in his thorax cavity. TALENTS: Death's Head II has all Weapon, Fighting, Scientific and Professional skills as well as timeline predictions for every planet that was know to AIM of 2020. CONTACTS: Tuck, AIM, Die-Cut Go BAck


F A S E R I P EX RM EX MN PR IN GD Health 145 Karma 54 Popularity: -10 Resources: Ex (20) Special Powers: Regeneration AM (50). Major Oak can regenerate 5 health points per round and can not be killed. Temporary Invulnerability Sh X (150). Major Oak can gain temporary ivulnerability to any form of physical or energy attack and after the inital attack can absorb 150 damage from any sorce of the invulnability. Invulnerabilities last for 1-10 hours. Skills: Military, Sword, Knife, Bows, Tracking, Contacts: The Human Protectorate, The Huscarls