16 June

I got bored one day and decided to finally make that Ghostwheel icon I was planning on making. Maybe it was because of that thread on the Amber list a few months ago about an Amber related Windows Theme, but I kinda doubt it; I'm not *that* slow.

Currently, I'm using this icon in lieu of the standard My Computer icon; I shift back and forth between this, a HAL2000 one I "made", (okay, adapted), and a NERV logo that I made from the back of a garage kit box I scanned. (this last part is heavily japanese animation related, so if you don't get anything after the HAL bit, don't worry.)

I probably could've used fewer steps than I did to make this, but with these steps, I knew I could do it.

ghostThis is the original image, (well, shrunken some, at least), before I made it 32x32 pixels and saved it as an .ico file.

Here's the .ico file, zipped up.

If you want to download it and use it on your desktop, feel free; I figure it's my turn to give something to the Amber community.