This is my random links page. If any of the links are fragged, please e-mail me.

The Game of Satan

ALL role-players MUST read this page to see exactly what certain individuals think of role-playing games, as well as other things "Satanistic".

Comrades' pages

This goes to the obligatory page with links to friends' pages. Enjoy.

FunkyCool Pages

These are some pages that I stumbled upon and really liked for one reason or another.

Anime & Manga Pages

These are some anime pages that I think are just some good places to visit.


Do something about it by going to these pages.

Some people may find this particular page offensive, but I find it udderly hilarious.

Norton I, Emperor of the U.S. and Protector of Mexico

Betcha you never knew that the USA has had an Emperor.

The Dreaming

This is a pretty keen place about the third member of the Endless, Dream.


This page could normally be accessed through the HyperDiscordia link on my homepage, but as there are so many links in that one site, I thought many people would miss this excellent portion of that site.

The Savannah College of Art & Design

I'd be going here for my Freshman year, but it's a tad expensive. I'm gonna transfer there later on.

Internet Role-Playing Society Home Page

Um, I hope that the name of this site explains it. Go there. Join it. You know you want to.

Slave Labor Graphics

This is the homepage for the studio that brings you such quality comic books as Johnny the Homicidal Maniac and Squee!, the "sequel" to Johnny.

This guy has a very good page, and he also designs banners. In fact, he did mine. (Of course, I'm just guessing that X-Treme is a guy.)

@sylum's Page

This a pretty neat place. Check it out. This guy does banners, too.

GWAR's Slave Pit

GWAR's this band that, um, well... just go here and find out for yourself.

Watcher Website Conspiracy Stuff

Mucho alien conspiracy stuff here. Good read. (Lotsa text with keen pics.)

Of Gods and Men

This guy is trying to put together the premier website on ALL mythologies existant in the world. If you want to find out some stuff, or if you have some info that would help him out, go here.

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