     Ed's Ani-Mayhem Bubblegum Crisis Solo Rules Variant
             (also known as the "Crappy Edition")

                     Written by Ed Hrzic

This file contains a variant on the Ani-Mayhem rules, dealing
with the world of Bubblegum Crisis.  I hope y'all like it, and
any comments can be directed to "bd981@yfn.ysu.edu".  Drop a
comment or two by.  This file will also be available at my home
page, listed in my sig, pretty darn soon

==========|     THE CARDS

As part of this variant, ONLY Bubblegum Crisis cards can be used. 
You are going to have to sort through your collection, and pick
out the BGC cards you have.
  Specifically, these are the cards that are ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED
to play this variant:

  CHARACTERS (at least nine, including the ones below)
  Linna Yamazaki, Nene Romanova, Priss Asagiri, Sylia Stingray

  MINOR DISASTERS (at least ten, five must be Boomers)

  MAJOR DISASTERS (at least five, including the one below)

  ITEMS (five)

  LOCATIONS (seven, including the ones below)
  Genom Military Lab, Raven's Garage (Haven)

  EQUIPMENT (at least four, including the ones below)
  Linna's Hardsuit, Nene's Hardsuit, Priss' Hardsuit, Sylvia's

In all, you are required to have at least those 11 cards.  The
rest of the cards, and those in your deck, are up to you to
include, but should have a Bubblegum Crisis or universal (i.e.
things like Flying Block to negate damage, or Medical Treatment)
feel.  The deck size should be no larger than fifty (50) cards,
and no less than forty (40) cards.  Place no Disasters,
Characters or Items in your deck.

==========|     GOAL

The goal of this particular variant is to destroy Largo.  But
before you do, you must access the various items and recruit more
people before you can stop him.  You have a time-limit of twenty
(20) turns to stop him from destroying all of Neo-Tokyo.  Use a
die or some other marker to keep track of your turns.

==========|     SETUP

  You will have to realize that the Locations are going to be set
up in the following style:

                          2 3           (Keep this in mind during
                         4 5 6           set-up and play.)

Take the Item cards, shuffle them, and deal one (1) face-down, in
each of the Positions Two through Six.
  Take the Disaster cards, and remove Largo for the time being. 
Shuffle the Disasters.  Deal two (2) Disasters face-down each in
Positions Two through Six.  Now take Largo and place him face-
down (or up, it doesn't really matter) in Position One.  Set the
other Disasters face-down in a pile to the side.  This pile will
be called Reserve Disasters.
  Take the Location cards that you have, and place Raven's Garage
in Position Seven.  Take the Genom Military Lab and place it in
Position One.  Place the others randomly in the other positions.
  You begin the game with any two of the four Knight-Sabers
(Sylia, Linna, Nene, or Priss), with their hardsuits.  Take the
remaining Characters, shuffle them together, and deal one face-
down ON TOP of the Locations in Positions Two through Six.  Take
the remaining Character(s) and place them aside; you won't be
using them.
  Your party begins in Position Seven, Raven's Garage.  Your
maximum party size is five (5).

==========|     PHASES

There are five phases to this variant:

  -  Draw
  -  Equip
  -  Move
  -  Recruit/Scavenge
  -  Combat

  If you have less than five (5) cards in your hand, then draw
until you have five (5) cards.  There is no maximum hand size. 
If you run out of cards, shuffle your Discard pile to make the
new Draw Pile.

  You may play any number of Equipment and Enhancements from your
hand on your characters, provided that they are only at Position
Seven, the Haven.  Only one Global can be played per turn, but
may be played at any Location.

  You may move through the Locations based upon the lowest rated
character's Movement stat in the party.  You may not enter
Position One until you have collected and/or used all of the
Items under the Location, and have at least four (4) characters
in your party.
  Every second turn when you move to a Location, take a Reserve
Disaster and play it against your party.  If not defeated, and
the part retreats, it will move toward Position One at the end of
the combat phase.

  During this phase, you may either Recruit OR Scavenge, but not

  -  Recruit
  When you arrive at a Location that has a character card on it,
you can attempt to recruit the character into your party.  To do
so, select a character in your party.  Draw a Charm combat card
for the selected character and the one to be recruited.  If your
value is higher, the character can then be recruited into your
party.  If not, you have to wait until next turn.  If you fail a
second time, then that character is removed from play, and cannot
be recruited.
  If you wish to have a character leave your party, you must go
to the haven, and drop them off.  You may return to the haven and
place them back into your party when you wish.

  -  Scavenge
  Make sure that you have the proper skills to scavenge the
location.  If you do, turn the first Disaster card over.  If
combat is called for, follow the following phase.


In a combat situation, the Disasters are going to attack you;
they won't go after Items as in the basic rules.  It will attack
the weakest character.  Health is calculated normally.  Up to two
(2) characters can attack a Minor Disaster and up to three (3)
can attack a Major one.
  Find out which character that the Disaster will attack.  Find
out all characters that will be involved in the battle.  Draw a
combat card for the Disaster, and one for your party.  Damage is
inflicted normally between the character attacked and the
Disaster.  The other characters that helped in the attack are no
  However, there is no "bonking" in this variant.  When a
character reaches 2 x Defense in damage, it is killed, and sent
to what is know as the Killed Pile.  If a card refers to
"bonking", it now refers to being "killed" instead.  When a
character is killed, its Items and Equipment are dropped below
the current location, and must be scavenged for.  Enhancements
are discarded.

==========|     GETTING TO LARGO

Once you have and/or used all of the Items, and have at least
four (4) characters in your party, you may enter Position One. 
If it is impossible for you to have at least four (4) characters
(through them getting killed, non-recruitable, etc.) then you may
go in with the number that you have, but only if impossible for
you to do otherwise!
  If there are any other Disasters at Position One, you must
destroy them first.  After that, you may fight Largo.  If you
succeed in destroying him, you win!
  You lose if all of your characters are destroyed, or you run
out of time.

  Regardless of how the game ends, calculate your points
according to the following chart:

    1 point per card in your hand
    1 point per surviving Character (in party or haven)
    1 point per non-discarded Item
    1 point per Minor Disaster destroyed in combat
    2 points per Major Disaster destroyed in combat (does not
      include Largo)
    3 points for destroying Largo
    1 point per five turns under the time limit
   -1 point per character in the Killed Pile

See how many points that you can reach!  Beat your own record! 
Try to spend your time more wisely by not playing silly CCGs!


And that be it folks!

    Source: geocities.com/timessquare/alley/2247

               ( geocities.com/timessquare/alley)                   ( geocities.com/timessquare)