Death Spells

Attack Spells

Curse This spell costs two mana and targets a unit. The spell causes one third the caster's level plus three damage.

Balkoth's Word This spell costs four mana and targets a unit. If the caster is two levels above the target, the spell deals six points plus one half the caster's level in damage.

Primal Fear This spell costs four mana and targets all units within four tiles of the caster. Any unit less than 8th level gets a -4 penalty to both strength and dexterity.

Golgotha's Gift This spell costs six mana and targets a unit, which then infects an unit in the same army which is of lesser level than the caster. The infected units receive one point of damage immediately, and then three points of damage per turn outside of combat. The spell ends only when dispelled by magic or exorcised at a temple.

Decay This spell costs eight mana and targets a unit. The targeted unit loses one hit point every three seconds for a minute.

Dark Shadow This spell costs eight mana and targets a unit. A shadow of the target appears and heads for the target. Damage from the spell upon the target's contact with his shadow is twice the caster's level minus the level of the target.

Lost Soul This spell costs twelve mana and targets a unit. The targeted unit is pursued by a shadow which will kill the target if it catches it.

Defense Spells

Unholy Word This spell costs two mana and targets a unit. The target unit gains +2 attack.

Visage of Horror This spell costs four mana. All death units gain +2 attack and +1 armor, and all other units get -1 armor.

Embrace of Golgotha This spell costs eight mana and targets one friendly unit. Target unit is killed and caster gains mana equal to the target's hit points.

Walk Among Us This spell costs ten mana and targets a dead unit. The target is raised as a zombie with all of his combat stats halved under the caster's control until the end of combat.

General Spells

Raise Skeleton This spell costs six mana and targets a dead unit. The target is raised as a skeleton under the caster's control. Raised skeletons start with only ten hit points.

Raise Shade This spell costs twelve mana and targets a dead unit. Target unit is raised as a shade under the caster's control.

Dispel Magic This spell costs four mana and targets an enchantment. The enchantment is dispelled if caster's level is greater than or equal to the enemy spellcaster's level.

Detect Life This spell costs four mana. The location of any Life unit within ten tiles of caster is revealed.

Purge Wounds This spell costs four mana and targets a party. Target party recovers one hit point when not moving over the next three turns.

Teleport Artifact This spell costs seven mana and targets a capital or building. Any unwielded artifacts the caster is carrying are teleported to a unit at the targeted location.

Overland Spells

Funeral March This spell costs two mana and targets a party. The targeted party's movement increases by 25%.

Spawn Cave This spell costs six mana and targets a conquered cave. The cave is repopulated with opponents.

Locust This spell costs eight mana and targets a party. All units in the targeted party take one fifth the caster's level plus four damage.

Pestilence This spell costs ten mana and targets a party and a tile. The tile becomes a swamp and the party suffers one half the caster's level plus five damage.

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