Life Spells

Attack Spells

Spirit Arrow Costs 2 mana. Targets a unit. Causes 1/2 level +3 damage.

Bless Costs 4 mana. Targets the caster's party. Gain +2 attack and Armor. Also lowers the attack of all enemy.

Turn Undead Costs 4 mana. Targets only undead units. Causes 3X caster's level of damage with a maximum of 9 points.

Ray of Hope Costs 8 mana. Affects all enemy units within a radius based upon the caster's level. Unit thus affected take 1/4 level plus 4 damage.

Defense Spells

Protect Costs 2 mana. Gives caster 50% resistance to missile weapon.

Cure Wounds Costs 2 mana. Heals a unit for 3 +1/3 caster's level hit point.

Blessing Costs 4 mana. Targets a unit. Unit gain 3 +1/3 level of Armor.

Heal Costs 4 mana. Targets a unit. The target gains 1-4 times the casters level in HP.

Regenaration Costs 8 mana. Affects a unit. +1 hit point 3 sec. +20 hit point total.

Holy Visit Costs 8 mana. Target all units in combat. Friendly units are healed 4+1/2 level hit point. Enemy units suffer -2 attack.

General Spells

Purify Wounds Costs 2 mana. Targets a party. Party recovers an additional 3 hit point when not moving over the next 3 turn.

Teleport Artifact Costs 4 mana. Target a Capital or building. Any unwielded artifact the caster is carrying are teleported to a unit at the targeted location. 

Dispel Magic Costs 4 mana. Targets an enchantment. The spell is dispelled if the caster's level is greater than or equal to the enemy spellcaster's level.

Detect Death Costs 8 mana. The location of any Death unit within ten tiles of the caster is revealed.

Resurrection Costs 12 mana. Targets 1 dead unit. The dead unit is brought back with 4 + 1/2 the caster's level in hit points.

Overland Spells

Commune with Nature Costs 2 mana. Targets the caster's remaining movement points. The caster's sight radius increases by 3 +1/3 level.

Holy Enchantment Costs 2 mana. Targets a capital. The Lord gains additional fame equal to 1+1/3level every turn.

Sanctuary Costs 4 mana. Targets a capital. Capital's sight radius is increased by +1 to a maximum of +3.

Invigorate Costs 4 mana. Targets a party. Overland movement is increased +50%.

Create Plains Costs 8 mana. This spell converts the target location into the meadow land type.

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Thanks to Ching Yu Lee for help here.