Transit Ops

Eric and Work

This page is intended to explain some of the duties of the Service and Operations Planning Dept. at VTA. This is the department where Eric blends in as an un-civil servant.

There are five main groups in Service and Operations Planning.

  • Service Planning
  • Operations Analysis
  • Passenger Facilities
  • Accessible Services
  • Contract Services 

Service Planning
         This section makes short range plans and implements schedule changes. Included in this is collecting data for Sect. 15 reports and ridership for both bus and Light Rail. This section also cerates the
in-house schedules, drivers paddles, Drivers Runs, and provides the schedule information for the public timetables. In short they are responsible for maintaining the schedules of VTA bus and Light Rail service. Eric claims to work in this section, other claim he doesn't, Right Gary?

Operations Analysis
         This group compiles and publishes the ridership and operations statistics for VTA service. This includes publishing the annual National Transportation Database (Sect. 15) report.

Passenger Facilities
         These people are responsible for the bus stops and transit centers. This includes placement and maintenance. It does not include building new Transit Centers, this is done by Facilities Design.

Accessible Services
         This section is mainly responsible for ADA compliance and paratransit service. This includes handling complaints about wheelchairs lifts and ADA related issues. They also administer the contract with the Paratransit broker.

Contract Services
         This section, actually one person, administers the contracts with the various Shuttle operators and the Joint Powers services, such as the Hwy 17 Express, Dumbarton Bridge Express and Caltrain.

Service and Operations Planning deals with most of the various problems that are faced by Transit Agencies in Santa Clara County.

© 1997 by Eric Rosenberg

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