Aliens on RAMA

This is the view on the interior of the giant space ship called RAMA. It is a vast spinning cylinder with clouds, valleys even a wholle see in the middle. RAMA is acctually a great collector of intelligent species. Besides humans there are other alien speacies on board. Avians and Octospiders. Your job is to understand them an use your knowledge to solve puzzles.  
Let me introduce the aliens to you:
  Interesting species wich lives in symbiotic relationship with mirmicats and the sesil net. The lifecycle of avians is shown on the pictures bellow:  
  The mirmicat enters the net and the result is a cocoon which transforms in eggs.  
  The mirmicats grows out of the egg and takes care of the net till it's his time to merge with the net.  

The guardians of the net are avians. The picture on the left shows the grown avian. Important part in solving the game is understanding the mathematics used by aliens. Mathematics used by avians is hexadecimal which means it's based on number 16. Here is their mathematics basic table:


Octospiders are named for their looks which obviously I didn't need to tell you. But you should know that they comunicate using colour and that they can't make or hear sounds. Their writing and mathematics is based on colours. Mathemathics are based on number 8. Here is their mathematics basic table:


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