Pokémon Name Origins

Thoroughly thought out, just for you!

Some of them, I just can't figure out. But this is a list of the origins of the Pokémon names.. thought and researched (and asked) as much as possible.

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1. Bulbasaur - The saur is, of course, from Dinosaur. A bulb is something ya plant to make it grow. And since it's a plant/animal.. perfect!

2. Ivysaur - Like I said, the saur is from dinosaur. And Ivy is a vine that grows. ^^ Or maybe like Poison Ivy, since it's a poison type.

3. Venusaur - I'm not sure. Saur, of course, dinosaur. Venu... might be Venus. Probably 'Vine'.. but then, why isn't it Vinesaur? Who knows? Oh, wait, I know! Venus.. Fly Trap! ^^ That's usin' my head. Zerl44's using his head, too! He thinks, maybe it's not 'venus', but 'ven' for 'venom', since Venusaur is part poison! Hm...

4. Charmander - Char.. you know, Char. Charcoal. Or burn something to coal. And the mander is from Salamander.

5. Charmeleon - Char. Like I said. And Meleon, from Chameleon.

6. Charizard - Char, AGAIN. Izard comes from lizard.

7. Squirtle - Like, a Squirt of water. And it rhymes with Turtle.

8. Wartortle - I think the Tortle is a pun on Turtle.. but this one is a little hard for me to get. Hyper, *long* time friend of mine, noted that Wartortle has war paint under it's eyes. War Paint, War Tortle? And Warturtle sounds geeky, too.

9. Blastoise - Turtoise. And a BLAST of water. Cool, ne? Might ALSO be turquoise, the color of water... or SOME water..

10. Caterpie - Caterpillar, of course. Easy.

11. Metapod - No, NOT a pun on Metapause! Meta means one.. so one pod. I GUESS. Oh! Wait! Mr. Zelr44 considers this... what about, Metamorph? Or Metamorphasize? Like, changing! A Caterpie changing into Butterfree!

12. Butterfree - Butterfly.. a free Butterfly? Maybe.. free of it's cocoon (Metapod)? Zelr44 knows (remembers?) a term from the 60's, with a hippie saying "Butterflies are free". Think they're related?

13. Weedle - Weevil.

14. Kakuna - A pun on Cocoon.. I think.

15. Beedrill - A Bee. Drill? No clue where it came from. ^^() I guess because it's hands are like drills.. ahhh..

16. Pidgey - Pun on pidgeon. You know, those grey birds.

17. Pidgeotto - I think a pun on Pidgey. Just 'cuz it flows so well. ^^

18. Pidgeot - A pun on Pidgeotto. It's hard to explain. ^^()

19. Rattata - Rat, but also, since it's quick like a gun.. 'rat-tat-tat'. Like that. Get it?

20. Raticate - I personally couldn't get this, but Dapikkel notes that Raticate sounds like 'eradicate'. You know, to wipe out or erase. So it's a Rat-eradicate. Cool, ne?

21. Spearow - Sparrow... and, 'cuz they're fierce, a weapon like a spear.

22. Fearow - A pun on Spearow. Indeed, they ARE to be Feared..

23. Ekans - Snake backwards.

24. Arbok - Kobra backwards. Kobra, meaning Cobra. Arboc just looks dumb.

25. Pikachu - Well.. a Pika (pronounced pye-kuh, I think) is a rodent. Other than that.. ?? I do know it's called Pikachu in Japanese.. maybe it means something in that language. ^^ Tara, good friend to myself and the webpage, noted that a 'chu' is a rat, so this could mean *something*. Sheeppieman takes the 'chu', and *SWEARS* he saw somewhere "1,000 pikas of power', meaning it must be an electrical.. something. Hmm. Zelr44 notes that a chu is a "kiss" in Japanese, which may have something to do with their cherry cheeks. He also notes that "Pika" also means sparkly or shiny, making it a Sparkly Kiss.

26. Raichu - No clue in the world. Must be like Pikachu. Maybe Chu is Japanese for mouse? Whatever it is, Tara, as is stated above, thinks a 'chu' is a rat, so.. ahem. Kupi apparently has a whole bunch of free time on his hands, and came up with an excellently hypothesized theory for Raichu's name. A Ninetales, as is said next to it's name below, is based on the Japanese legend of the kitsunes, who live for 1,000 years (like it's curse!) and grow a new tail every 100 years. Now, when Kupi played Bomberman 64: The Second Attack!, he noticed that one of the costumes gives Bomberman rabbit ears.. and it was called Raisune! Now, some of this here is all hypothesized, but if a kit is a baby fox (like in kitsune), maybe 'sune' means legend or legendary. Assuming a "rai" is a rabbit in Japan, then you get Raisune-rabbit legend. Got it? Take Rai, add it to chu (mouse), and you get.. Raichu. Wow, that was difficult. As if this paragraph wasn't long enough, Sheepieman tells me that Rai in Japanese means Lightning. Which pretty much flings that *entire* Kupi hypothesis off. *sigh* Zelr44 (all these names) sees that a Rai is 'thunder', so if you add that to his above hypothesis, Chu being a Kiss, you get... Thunder Kiss! Hehe!

27. Sandshrew - Uhh.. I guess... a shrew. Who lives in sand. Maybe? ^^()

28. Sandslash - Uhh.... well, it has nice claws for 'slashing', and digs into sand.. I guess...

29. Nidoran (female) - I.. have.. no.. clue.

30. Nidorina - Well.. I dunno about the Nidoran part, but in Spanish and some other languages, the 'a' at the end of the word often signifies it's a feminine thing. ^^ Or maybe, like, ballerina? *shrugs*

31. Nidoqueen - Well.. a queen is the female part of rulars, King being the guy part.. ^^() And Nidoqueen has a male counterpart.. uh, I dunno.

32. Nidoran (male) - Still no clue.

33. Nidorino - Well.. the O at the end of some languages, like Spanish, signifies masculinity. I guess.

34. Nidoking - Nidoqueen's male counterpart. ^^

35. Clefairy - Not sure 'bout the Cle, but a Fairy is.. you know what a fairy is. -_-() You know.. the little girl-things that spread magic dust and all? Tooth Fairy? But MasterVaporeon knows! She deserves a cookie. You know, in music, a Bass and Treble Clef? Get the *clef* part, since Clefairies sing a lot?

36. Clefable - Cle, not sure. Fable.. a story. Like, a legend.. usually magical. ^^ Oh, but MasterVaporeon's smart. Like I said above, a Clef is like a musical symbol.

37. Vulpix - The genus and species name for "red fox" is "vulpes vulpes". Other foxes have the genus name of "vulpes", of course. And Vulpix is a pun on vulpes. I think. And Vulcan is the Roman or Greek (I'm sorry, I can't remember!) God of Fire, too.

38. Ninetales - NOT Ninetails, mind you! It does have nine tails, but since Ninetales always seemed to be legendary, I guess they punned on the word 'tails' and got 'tales'. Kupi tells me that it's based loosly on the legend of the kitsunes, who live a good thousand years and grow a new tail every 100 years. Coolies. ^^

39. Jigglypuff - Well... it looks kind of like jello. I bet if you touch it, it'll jiggle! And it's puffy, too. ^^

40. Wigglytuff - A dual rhyme on Jigglypuff. And it looks tough (tuff).. yeah, really. And I bet if you touch it, it wiggles!

41. Zubat - Not sure about the Zu part.. but, uh, it's a Bat. ^^()

42. Golbat - Not sure 'bout the Gol.. but it's a Bat! I'm suspecting 'Gollum', like from the Lord of the Rings books... Zelr44 is suspecting that Golbat is like a 'Gold' bat, because it's stronger and bigger than Zubat.

43. Oddish - It's 'odd'ish, not Evenish. Bwa ha ha! Get it? Oh, sorry. -_-() The Ish might be.. Raddish? Odd part.. I dunno.. ;)

44. Gloom - I guess.. because.. it's Gloomy because it spells so bad.

45. Vileplume - It's.. Vile? No it's not. A plume has something to do with a current.. I guess sort of how powder floats through the air.. or SOMETHING. I dunno! Kupi 'tinks 'dat the Vile is because it's part poison and can let off.. what is it, three evil powders, plus Acid? A Plume is another word for flower, so he says. I didn't know that! ^^ MasterVaporeon, and I quote, says, "The thing on it's head is a vile, nasty plume!" Well, I didn't quote exactly...

46. Paras - Parasite! Since it's a bug and all? Parasite is something that feeds off it's host. And the mushrooms feed off the Paras. So..

47. Parasect - Parasite.. Insect! ^^.

48. Venonat - Veno? Probably "Venom".. Nat? One of those annoying tick-like things that you always mistake for mosquitos that don't bite.

49. Venomoth - Veno? Venom. And the moth part.. well, it's a moth.

50. Diglett - It.. Digs! ^^()

51. Dugtrio - It... Dug! And there's a trio of them. See, count 'em. One.. two.. three!


52. Meowth - Meow is the sound that cats make. Of COURSE.

53. Persian - Persia is a country. Probably has cats or something. ;) Just kidding! A Persian is a type of cat. :P

54. Psyduck - It's a.. Psychic duck! Now why didn't I think of that?

55. Golduck - It's a.. Gold duck? ^^() It's not gold!! Oh well.

56. Mankey - Pun on Monkey. ^^

57. Primeape - Pun on Primate.. you know, a monkey is a primate. Also notice that an Ape is a monkey. So it's a major pun. ^^

58. Growlithe - My favorite Pokémon! This was a mystery to me until a friend, Thistle-Chaser, cleared it up for me. You know, a Growl. Dogs growl. And bark, arf, and woof, but that's besides the point. "lithe" means small. So it's a.. small growler. A puppy Pokémon. Get it? ^^

59. Arcanine - Arcane means mythical, legendary, or words to that extent. And a Canine is a dog. ^^

60. Poliwag - A Poliwog is the phase between a tadpole and a frog. And it has a large tail.. for wagging? ^^()

61. Poliwhirl - It's a part of Poliwag, but which a swirl which whirls around.

62. Poliwrath - A part of Poliwag/whirl... but since it's part fighting, it's wrath!

63. Abra - Part one of the Abra-cadabra-alakazaam sequence for magic tricks.

64. Kadabra - Part two of the Abra-cadabra-alakazaam sequence, except the c is a k.

65. Alakazaam - Part three of the.. you know. :P

66. Machop - Since this Pokémon loves to fight.. it's a 'match'. And a chop. A fighting move. ^^ Kupi notes that you can see the word "macho" in there. I wanna be a ma-cho man..

67. Machoke - Match, once more, and choke, another fighting move. Kupi also points out that it probably includes "macho", too.

68. Machamp - Match, once again, but this Pokémon's so strong it's a champ! ^^()

69. Bellsprout - It's head is shaped like a Bell. And it's a sprout. ^^

70. Weepinbell - It's shaped like a bell... weepin? I guess.. maybe from Weeping Willow.. I dunno. Patch, one of my best friends in da *whole* world (her other names include Mani Mani, The Eye, and Eyeball Girl), thinks that it is shaped like a bell, but notice how it's pointing down so it looks sad? Like, it's weeping?

71. Victrebel - Bell, mispelled. Victre.. no clue. But it just kinda sounds evil. But wait! Dapikkel , who's name I have odd troubles spelling, notes that it's shaped like a Bell, like I said. A tree is a plant, and "vic" and "tree" together sound like "victory". OooOOOoo... KrustydaKlown thinks it's like 'Victory Bell', but I don't think that makes much sense. Ahh, well.

72. Tentacool - A pun on "Tentacle". Although this Pokémon isn't exactly 'cool'.. -_-()

73. Tentacruel - A rhyme of Tentacle, and.. it looks cruel. ^^ You know, stinging innocent prey and all..?

74. Geodude - Geo is, like, of the earth. And it's a dude. ^^()

75. Graveler - Gravel.. you know, that tarish-rocky stuff?

76. Golem - My football jersey number, 76! Ahem. A Golem is like.. a really large.. statue. I'm sure you've heard of 'em....

77. Ponyta - Well.. it's a Pony. Not sure 'bout the ta. ^^

78. Rapidash - Well, this Pokémon's known for running. And making.. *ahem* "Rapid dashes". Ha ha. Ollie points out that it's funny how it can also be like 'Rapid Ash', since Rapidash is a fire type. Ash is what's left behind after something burns, right? Right.

79. Slowpoke - The semi-insult, Slowpoke! This is such a ssllooww Pokémon, it's called.. Slowpoke! Isn't that hard?

80. Slowbro - I think a pun on Slowpoke. I'm.. not sure. ^^() So, I must turn to Kupi! He notes that the Slowpoke and the Shellder are connected to each other, like brothers. Cooooool.

81. Magnemite - Magnet. Doesn't it remind you of a Magnet? And it's small. Mite. Magne... mite! ChronoEspeon (ex-MasterVaporeon) points out that it rhymes with magnetite, a mineral with weak magnetic forces (wasn't that an item in Revelations: The Demon Slayers, that cheesy GB game?).

82. Magneton - Magnet, again, but the Ton part? No clue. Dapikkel thinks that it's because of the magnet and a 'ton', like, a ton of Magnemites. Kupi thinks pretty much the same, except that it must weigh a ton because it's made of metal.. even if it doesn't weight 2,000 pounds for real, or it would be as heavy as Onix, Golem, or, of course, Snorlax.

83. Farfetch'd - If something's Farfetched, it's kind of.. odd. And a walking duck with a leek is odd, don't you think? Well.. ALL of these Pokémon are odd. Not in a bad way.. not for MOST of them, I think.

84. Doduo - You know.. Dodo birds? Since they have two heads, there's a Duo of 'em.

85. Dodrio - Dodo birds.. and a trio of heads. ^^

86. Seel - It's a cute seal! But 'Seal' is unoriginal, so they did 'Seel' instead.

87. Dewgong - I get the Dew part. Not the gong. Kupi does, though, 'cuz he's smarter than I am. Maybe. He says a Dugong is a real animal, and from that, Dewgong is easily derived.

88. Grimer - Grime! Of course.

89. Muk - Muk is.. Mukey. You know, gross, mushy, slimy? Maybe not so much slimy... like mud.

90. Shellder - It's mostly a Shell! Maybe.. Elder? Nope. Sheepieman really pointed out the obvious fact... Shelter! A Shellder would use it's Shell as Shelter from it's environs. Wow. I can't believe I (Peppy) missed that. O_o

91. Cloyster - Clamp.. Oyster. A mix of those. ^^ Dictionary boy Kupi noticed something that exceeds his own intelligence level (nooo, just kidding!). ^^ Cloister: a monastery, enclosed hallway, or sheltered place. Cloistered: Withdrawn or secluded from the world. Both dictionary terms. Isn't Mr. Kupi dude guy great?

92. Gastly - It's.. Ghastly!

93. Haunter - If you haunt someone, you're a haunter. Doooi..

94. Gengar - Isn't that the name of a Ghost or something?

95. Onix - Onyx. A type of stone.. rock.. thingamajigger. You know.

96. Drowzee - Drowsy. 'cuz it makes you sleepy and stuff.

97. Hypno - Short for Hypnosis.. putting someone to sleep. 'zz..'

98. Krabby - A Crab! Ha.

99. Kingler - King? King crab? Since I can't get it, I must turn to... Dapikkel! He's so smart. He realized 'bout da King Crab junk, plus adding 'angler'. Like a fisher. ^^

100. Voltorb - You know, a Volt? Of electricy? "10,000 volts of power!" or something? And, since it's round, it's an orb!

101. Electrode - Electric, or Electron. The ode.. not sure. Dapikkel went all the way to Dictionary.com and figured out that an Electrode is.. ahem. "A conductor used to make electrical contact with some nonmetallic part of a circuit." Errm... yeah.

102. Exeggcute - A silly pun with execute. Either to do something.. or to kill someone. O_o

103. Exeggcutor - Pun with executor. You know.. the person doing something, or the killer... err, wait, that's executioner.. whatever.

104. Cubone - Bone! Since it wields a bone and has a bone mask. Dapikkel believes that the "cub" part might be because Marowak is it's mother, and a 'cub' is an infant in a whole bunch of different animals. Wow, cool.

105. Marowak - WHACK! It whacks (waks) things with it's bone. Plus, Marrow is that stuff between your bones that makes red blood cells and all. Between your *bones*. Get it?

106. Hitmonlee - Hit, of course. Mon, dunno. Lee, comes from Bruce Lee. Karate expert.. perfect for a fighting type! Sheepieman thinks the "mon" would be, like, a Jamaican accent. And they are kind of human-like. Yes, I know, he's crazy, but..

107. Hitmonchan - Hit... of course, Mon dunno. And the Chan is from Jackie Chan. ^^ See above Mon hypothesis from Sheepieman.

108. Lickitung - Lick... Tung (or Tongue!). ^^


109. Koffing - Misspell of Coughing, since it's a gassy Pokémon and all?

110. Weezing - Misspell of Wheezing.

111. Rhyhorn - Dapikkel gave me this one! The Horn is obvious enough, the "rhy" is a change of the word "rhino". Since it looks like a rhino..

112. Rhydon - Dapikkel (isn't he great?) figured out that the "rhy" was, once more, from rhino. As an added bonus, the 'don' part comes from certain dinosaurs, like the mastadon (I have the same name as the *old* Black Ranger!) and Iguanadon.

113. Chansey - Sounds like "Chancey".. you know, Chance. Since it's the Lucky Pokémon. Zelr44 backs me up a bit, saying that in Japanese, Chansey is 'Rakki', which means 'Lucky'. Chansey is the Luck Pokémon if there ever was one, right?

114. Tangela - Tangle, since it's a huge mess of tangled vines.

115. Kangaskhan - Took a while to figure this one. Since it has a pouch, it's like a Kangaroo, which gets the Kang part. Genghis Khan, the conquerer guy from.. I think China or Mongolia or something, was really big. And powerful. And "Kangas" rhymes with "Genghis".. understand?

116. Horsea - Reversed syllables of Seahorse, and then knocked off the extra se because Seahorsea sounds weird.

117. Seadra - Sea.. Dragon, I think. But it's so small. Sounds like a better Gyarados name to me.

118. Goldeen - Since it's the Sea Queen.. it's a cross of Goldfish and Queen.

119. Seaking - Well, Goldeen's the Sea Queen, so Seaking can be the... Sea King! Hehehehehehe.

120. Staryu - Star.. you.

121. Starmie - Star... me. ^^ Or maybe Army..

122. Mr. Mime - Uh... a Mime... who's.. a guy?

123. Scyther - Scythes are those blade-thingies.

124. Jynx - It's a JINX! I HATE Jynx.

125. Electabuzz - Electric... Buzz? Buzz?! Hmm... oh! Sheepieman might think of the buzz as.. well, you know. "Hit your buzzers!" You know?

126. Magmar - Magma. I hate Magmar. Kupi doesn't.

127. Pinsir - Pincer.. or maybe Pincher.

128. Tauros - You know the birthsign "Taurus"? It's the sign of the Bull. Thanks to Patch for correcting the typo-I originally called it Tauro. ^^()

129. Magikarp - Magic Carp? It's not MAGIC. It's SORRY. But I love Magikarp anyway! ^^

130. Gyarados - No clue in the world. Kupi has a clue, though. Garish (no, I've never heard of that word either) means evil or scary, and maybe the 'dos' is 'cuz it's second in the evolutionary line.

131. Lapras - Well.. it rhymes with "Loch Ness"...

132. Ditto - Ditto marks mean you just repeat something, you know? And Ditto is a repeat of the Pokémon it transformed into.

133. Eevee - Well.. it is the Pokémon who can evolve into three different ones, so I guess it's kind of like.. "Eevee"lution, or Evoltion.

134. Vaporeon - Vapor, I got, since it's water, but Eon? Isn't an Eon a length of time? Why not Vaporeevee?

135. Jolteon - Jolt, yeah, it's lightning, but Eon again. I don't get it. It's a Jolteevee! Or maybe Joltvee.

136. Flareon - Flare, sure, it's fire, but there's that darn Eon again. Maybe this Pokémon takes forever to.. uh, I dunno.

137. Porygon - A 'polygon' is a shape with a bunch of sides, and this is a rather 'sided' shaped Pokémon..

138. Omanyte - Ammonite. I dunno what it means, but it was in Final Fantasy Adventure.. the Ammonite coast. ^^

139. Omastar - Uh.. Ammonite Star or something?

140. Kabuto - MasterVaporeon claims that a Kabuto is a helmet in Japanese, and it *is* kind of shaped like one.

141. Kabutops - No clue! Stop pestering me! Quoth the Zelr44: "Kabutops: Like Kabuto, only it's "tops!". I'll call the men in the white coats.

142. Aerodactyl - Aero is, like, flight. And Dactyl, from Pterodactyl. ^^ Well, actually, Patch points out that the entire NAME rhymes with Pterodactyl. Sigh. :P

143. Snorlax - It SNORES 'cuz it's sleep! And the lax.. laxative? *cheesy grin* Okay, that was dumb. I guess.. Relax? Snore, Relax?

144. Articuno - Artic.. SHOULD be Arctic, but whatever. And "uno", it's the Spanish word for One. Articuno is the first of the Legendary Birds.

145. Zapdos - Zap, like lightning. And "dos", making Zapdos the second of the Legendary Birds.

146. Moltres - Molten Lava, and.. Tres. "Three" in Spanish, and Moltres is the third and final of the Legendary Birds.

147. Dratini - Dragon.... Tiny! Since it's so small (and cute!)

148. Dragonair - Dragon, again. Air? Maybe.. Uh, I dunno. Dapikkel does know. We've got the Dragon from (duh) Dragon, but the Air probably comes from Debonair. Not the general from Ogre Battle. It's a word meaning sophisticated. Whoa.

149. Dragonite - Dragon, once more. And maybe 'cuz it's a Knight or something. ?

150. Mewtwo - It got this name because it wasn't first. Kupi thinks that the name came from "myuden", it's Japanese name. And 'den' means two in Japanese.

151. Mew - It got this name because it *was* first. Kupi notes that the Japanese name is Myu. And it rhymes! Oh my *GOSH*!


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