Crippled      Great physical or mental impairment.
Very Bad      Poor motor skills or minor mental retardation.
Bad           A complete butterfingers or a rather slow individual.
Poor          At this point deficiencies start to become apparent.
Fair          OK, not good but not too bad.
Average       Average joe. The majority of the population fits here.
Good          High school athletes and bachelors degrees.
Very Good     College athletes and masters degrees.
Great         Minor league athletes and doctorates.
Excellent     Professional athletes and rocket scientists.
World Class   Olympians and Nobel prize winners.
Superb        Perfect Human. Mr. Universe or Einstein.
Incredible    Beyond the grasp of normal humans.
Awesome       Minor super heroes and villains.
Heroic        Lesser super heroes and villains.
Super Human   Greater super heroes and villains.
God Like      No human can obtain this rating. (Except Super Man but he's not human.)

STR   Strength
END   Endurance

AGL   Agility
REF   Reflexes

INT   Intelligence
PCP   Perception

PRS   Presence
WIL   Willpower

EDU   Education
TEC   Technology

LUK   Luck
PSI   Psionics

BOD   Body
MAG   Magic
CHI   Chi

Strength      This represents the raw muscle power of the character.

     Used For:  Determines lift weight, damage bonus, factors carry weight with END.
     High Values Possessed by: Body Builders, Super Heroes, Large Animals.

Endurance     The characters stamina, constitution, and health.

     Used For: Determines HP, carry weight with STR, stun soak, heal rate, how long strenuous activity can be preformed before you must rest.
     High Values Possessed by: Runners, Soldiers, Super Heroes.

Agility       Overall litheness of the characters body.

     Used For: Evade, to hit with hand weapons, thrown objects or archery, determines free movement.
     High Values Possessed by: Acrobats, Martial Artists, Dancers.

Reflexes      The characters ability to react faster than his opponent and his manual dexterity.

     Used For: To hit with firearms, determines action points, has effect on initiative.
     High Values Possessed by: Soldiers, Thieves, Jugglers.

Intelligence  I.Q., memory, ability to learn, reason, and creativeness.

     Used For: affects how easily you can learn skills, save vs. puzzles, fast talk, convince.
     High Values Possessed by: Scientists, Scholars, Mages.

Perception    A factor of all five senses and ones awareness of ones surroundings.

     Used For: Save vs. notice, save vs. ambush.
     High Values Possessed by: Snipers, Detectives, Reporters.

Presence      More than just charisma, but an ability to fill a room with ones personality, you are not necessarily likeable but everyone's eyes are drawn to you when you enter a room.

     Used For: Fast talk, convince, connive, intimidate, seduce, etc...
     High Values Possessed by: Rock Stars, Politicians, Televangelists

Willpower     How easily you give up, a person with an iron will could walk over broken glass if he needed to.

     Used For: Save vs. torture, intimidation, pain, etc...
     High Values Possessed by: Marathon Runners, Super Heroes, Stubborn People

Education     A person with a high education may never have been near a school and may be self taught.

     Used For: Common knowledge, research, learning skills, base skills.
     High Values Possessed by: Mages, Scholars, Teachers.

Technology    This does not represent specific knowledge, but rather an affinity with machines.

     Used For: Bases all tech skills, on the spot general tech knowledge.
     High Values Possessed by: Hackers, Engineers, Mechanics.

Luck          Nebulous, invisible, ever pervasive, and utterly undependable. Basically how lucky you are, remember luck can never replace skill.

     Used For: Has some specific uses but generally GM will determine when it will be used (usual as a save).
     High Values Possessed by: Cats, Children, Lucky Bastards.

Psionics      The strength, control, and resistance of Psionics.

     Used For: Psionic talents, save vs. psionics.
     High Values Possessed by: Children, Animals, Psychics.

Body          "We will PUMP you up!" Your just huge man!

     Used For: Determining the height and mass of the character. (Has specific purpose in Gunnm.)
     High Values Possessed by: Body Builders, Giants, Giant Centaur Cyborgs.

Magic         Magic power, talent, control, and resistance. (Specifics based on setting.)

     Used For: Save vs. magic, use and control magic.
     High Values Possessed by: Mages, Daemons, Magical Creatures.

Chi           Mystical life forces that course through the nervous system and can be effected by acupuncture.

     Used For: To pay for special Chi attacks, save vs. chi attacks.
     High Values Possessed by: Martial Arts Masters, Street Fighter Characters, Peaceful Places.



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