Tasks are the attempt by a character to do something, even walking is
a task but so simple (difficulty unconcious) that we just assume sucess
more difficult tasks will require that we determine the sucess or failure
of the task. A task is rolled when the character want's to use a skill or
when any difficult physical task is preformed that is not coverd under
the save mechanics. Also any task that another character is activly trying
prevent the sucess of the action, this is called an opposed task.


   Basic Task Resolution: Roll 1d10 + Attribute bonus + Skill bonus vs. Target Number
                           You must roll equal to or higher than the target number.
                           The attribute bonus is listed in the attributes section
                           and uses the same collumn for all attributes. Skill bonus
                           uses the chart in the skill section and also is the same for
                           all skills.
   Opposed Task Resolutiom: Roll your basic task resolution vs. your opponants basic
                             task resolution the higher wins or a tie is a stalemate.

Difficulty Target Numbers:
Unconcious        1
Trivial           4
Simple            7
Easy              10
Avarage           14
Chalenging        18
Hard              22
Difficult         26
Impossible        32
Insane            38

Avarage Skill Bonus:
Level 0   Unskilled      +0
Level 1   Novice         +3
Level 2   Practiced      +6
Level 3   Certified      +8
Level 4   Experienced    +10
Level 5   Professional   +12
Level 6   Expert         +14
Level 7   Master         +15
Level 8   Grand Master   +16
Level 9   Arch Master    +17

Sucess and Failure Margins
-10   Complete Disaster
-7    Catastrophe
-5    Debacle
-3    Fiasco
-2    Blunder
-1    Failure
=0    Marginal Sucess
+1    Sucess
+2    Highly Satisfactory
+3    Brilliant
+5    Major Accomplishment
+7    Masterpiece
+10   Work of Genious

Task resolution modifiers:
Take extra time      +1 to +4
Rushed job           -1 to -4
Excellent tools      +1
Excellent parts      +1
Under Stress         -1
Being attacked       -3
Physicaly impaired   -2
Mentaly impaired     -3
Useing "off hand"    -3

    Source: geocities.com/timessquare/cave/2822/docs

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