Hey, my name is Alex. I am 14 years old and I live in Maryland, near Washington, DC. I have been into cake since I first heard "Rock'n'Roll Lifestyle", then of course "The Distance" which put them over the top. I think it is Cake's inovative lyrics that make them so orginal; infact, i play cake lyric trivia with my friend while we pass time in Math or World Studies. I was lucky enough to go to a Cake concert just after their release of Prolonging the Magic, it was great. Anyways, play the bass guitar and I also like to ride my bike, watch TV (especially The Wonder Years, Happy Days, and Saved by the Bell), play video games, and play baseball and basketball. Other groups I like are Weezer, Rage Against the Machine, Sublime, and Green Day. Thank you for visiting my page, and remember to sign the guestbook and fill out the survey.


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