Technical Readout: L E G E N D S
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Medium Mechs

Status : FASA=FASA Official but Abandoned; Apoc=FASA Apocryphal; Fluff=FASA Fluff Text Best-Guess

Tons Mech Name Origin Year Status
40 Cicada (two flamers) Technical Readout: 3025 1986 Fluff
40 ComStar Battle Cobra Technical Readout: 3058 1995 Fluff
40 Early_Galahad (PPCs) Technical Readout: 3055 1992 Fluff
40 Early_Rifleman (4 LL) Technical Readout: 3025  1986 Fluff
40 Early_Rifleman (2LL, 4 ML) Technical Readout: 3025  1986 Fluff
40 Hermes II (AC5 in LA) Technical Readout: 3025  1986 Fluff
40 Hermes II (AC5 in CT) Technical Readout: 3025  1986 Fluff
40 TS-P1_Tsunami Solaris VII 1991 FASA
40 WRW-LF-004_Werewolf Solaris: The Reaches 1993 FASA
45 Blackjack Prototype (5/8/0, flamers) Technical Readout: 3025  1986 Fluff
45 BJ-3_Blackjack FASA Apocryphal / TH / M3055* 1993 Apoc
45 DAD-3C_Daedalus Solaris VII 1991 FASA
45 Drago's Daedalus (extra armor, lasers) Solaris VII 1991 Fluff
45 Snake (medium laser) Technical Readout: 3055 1992 Fluff
45 Vindicator (machine guns) Technical Readout: 3025 1986 Fluff
45 Vindicator (2 PPC prototype) Technical Readout: 3025 1986 Fluff
45 Wyvern (no Small Lasers) Technical Readout: 2750 1989 Fluff
50 BMB-10_Bombard 1992 Update Flyer 1992 FASA
50 Enforcer (2 Medium lasers) Technical Readout: 3025 1986 Fluff
50 Enforcer (extra ammo) Technical Readout: 3025 1986 Fluff
50 Huron_Warrior (2 LRM 15s) Technical Readout: 3055 1992 Fluff
50 MCK-5S_Mackie FASA Apocryphal / Starleague SB** 1988 Apoc
50 Phelan Kell's Black Hawk (Nova) The Falcon and the Wolf 1995 FASA
50 Phelan Kell's Black Hawk (Nova) Lost Destiny 1991 Fluff
50 PHX-HK2_Phoenix_Hawk_LAM Technical Readout: 3025 1986 FASA
50 PHX-HK2M_Phoenix_Hawk_LAM Technical Readout: 3025 1986 FASA
50 RJN101-A_Raijin ComStar Sourcebook 1992 FASA
50 SA-RN_Ronin Solaris VII 1991 FASA
50 Tessen (original) Field Manual: ComStar 1999 Fluff
55 AKU-MC_Akuma FASA Apocryphal 1993 Apoc
55 Dervish (4/6/4) Technical Readout: 3025 1986 Fluff
55 Early_Galahad (AC10s) Technical Readout: 3055 1992 Fluff
55 GRF-3N_Griffin (Champion competitor) Technical Readout: 3025 Revised 1996 Fluff
55 Scorpion (extra armor) Technical Readout: 3025 1986 Fluff
55 Rubinsky's Renegades' Scorpion (MGs, MASC) Field Manual: Mercenaries 1997 Fluff
55 Starslayer (no endo steel) Technical Readout: 3058 1995 Fluff

* FASA Apocryphal sheet, but CVs appear in Tactical Handbook and Mercenaries' Handbook: 3055
** FASA Apocryphal sheet, but sheet data matches published information in Starleague Sourcebook better than does the much later official mech sheet

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