Sea life was especially harsh for those men impressed into service aboard British Naval Vessels.  Flogging was the invariable punishment, and was dolled out liberally by brutal and sadistic officers.  The slightest transgression would get a man a dozen lashes.  More serious offenses would bring two to six dozen.  And for the lesser forms of mutiny or desertion, the lashes were sentenced by the hundreds.  Most naval floggings were administered with the victim bound to one of the ships gratings.  This drawing, however, depicts the flogging at a Capstan Bar.  According to some accounts, various Captains choice to utilize this method of immobilizing the criminal for the whipping.  The Capstan is a shipboard mechanism that was used to manually wind rope or coil.  The Capstan Bars were the lever arms that the men would, in turn, wind the rope around the Capstan.  When tied to the bar as shown above, the victim would be forced to spread his legs wide apart.  This was because the bar's height, when fitted into the capstan, was approximately four feet off the level of the deck.