- The Adventures of Bass 3 -

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The Adventures of Bass 3
That's the name of the game.
Bass 3 is another hack featuring Bass and some of the themes from its predecessor, Bass 2.

Though it is incomplete, you can expect to see altered levels, colors, and a few graphics here and there.

I do not have an IPS available and probably won't until done.

- Screenshots of Bass 3 -
Hard Man's stage
Top Man's stage
Bass's companion Treble aids him in Hard Man's stage.
How'd THEY get in Top Man's level?
Needle Man's stage
Spark Man's stage
Giant needles try to impede Bass's progress forward.
Bass needs to get by several spikes in Spark Man's stage.
Shadow Man's stage
Gemini Man's stage
Three Hammer Joes guard the lower pass in Shadow Man's stage.
Bass will need to battle that fish when he lands.
Ssnake Man's stage
Even the weakest enemies have advantages.

Happy gaming!