Who Am I??

My name's Gogo, but they call me Chris. I have no idea why? Anyhow, yes I happen to like hippos. I think they are very cool creatures. The only reason people think they are dangerous is because they keep mess'n around with them. Don't mess with them and they won't eat you... promise!

Yes hippos are cute and adorable. Yes, I know they're big and chubby too, but that only makes them more adorable. It'd be cool to go up to a hippo to pinch their cheeks (not those, the other ones!!), but like I said, don't mess with them and they won't eat you.

I just turned 21, and well,... I am still intriqued by the little four legged animals. I thought it was just going to be another one of those phases you go through as a kid. It stuck with me. Now I'm just an adult that likes hippos. But there is nothing wrong with that. I'm sure there are a lot of you who are actually a lot older than I am and have a fascination with them. Some of you are reading this right now. In fact, there are people around the world, just like me, who love hippos. Just check out my links!!


Anyhow, this page is dedicated to my best friend, Sirirug. She and I had a thing for hippos when we were close friends. But now that I moved away, we hardly see much of each other. So this is one way that I can think of to remind me of her and the really cool times we had.

She introduced me to LollyBob and LollyPop. You can see LollyBob all over my page. (you can't really miss him. C'mon, he's a hippo!) LollyBob and LollyPop are a couple. They're little green hippos that love each other to death. They like swimming, eating, sleeping, hugging, etc... Anyhow, they miss each other like crazy when they're apart. They're actually little stuffed animals, but they look adorable when you put them together. I'll put up some pictures of them if I ever get my hands on a camera.

Anyhow, Sirirug started drawing them on paper, so I thought it'd be cool to try to make a cartoon out of them. So that's why you can see LollyBob around my page. Well, I feel tired right now. As you can see, I'm still working on my page. I'll write more when I get back... if I ever get back!