
  • Gary Gygax Was Right All Along (Updated 07/11/05)

  • Book Reviews for Fantasy and Science Fiction (Updated 07/11/05)

    Original Games

  • Supremacy A tabletop "4x" game (explore, expand, exploit, exterminate) reminiscent of Britannia. (Rtf format, Updated 07/30/05)

  • WARLORD A dark ages wargame which can be played using a chess set. More miscellaneous information on Warlord is also given Here. (Updated 03/06/05)

  • Dusk: The Role-playing Game The rtf file is roughly 100 pages, compressed in zip format to ~300k in size. (Updated 05/24/06)
    For those interested in Minerva and its games, here are the rules to Kesch and Svelfwld. (Updated 03/01/05)

  • Computer Supplements for Dusk This zip file contains a dicerolling program, an updated character generation program, and a program to randomly generate inns during play. (Updated 06/02/06)

  • Ancient Heroes A diceless fantasy role-playing game primarily based around combat. (Rtf format, Updated 07/16/04)

  • Ancient Heroes - the Computer Game A computer version of Ancient Heroes, the game is completed and also has mouse support. Below is a screenshot. (Zip format, Updated 07/26/06)

  • Rock Paper Scissors A program demonstrating that computers can compete with humans at games of intuition. (Updated 7/01/03)

    Modified Games

  • Tigris & Euphrates - Revised Rules (Rtf format, Updated 06/02/06)

  • RISK - Revised Rules (Doc format, Updated 09/03/05)

  • Dragon Warriors - Revised Rules Revised rules for the cult-RPG Dragon Warriors, by Dave Morris. (Html format, Updated 03/09/05)


  • Personal Runeset (Updated 4/13/02)

  • My Art (Updated 7/15/04)


  • Lloydian Aspects
  • Kurt Saxon's Survivalist Page
  • JEFF K!!!1
  • Sluggy Freelance