Curses & Hexes

Since the black candle, besides representing banishing,
represents discord and darkness, and the red candle,
besides representing desire, represents blood and revenge...

*If you are looking to do some kind of curse on someone who gave you much pain and suffering,
try anoining a black candle with lemon oil, (or pure virgin olive oil if you can't get lemon)
and perform a simple candle hex. Scratch the name of the victim on the anointed candle.

*Light a red candle you have put all your anger into and trickle the wax down the lit black candle. Imagine it being your victim's blood pouring over his name in the wax.

*Try the chant: "Rentum Tormentum"

*Use the lit black candle to burn a photograph or sigil of the victim.
Scatter the ashes and let the wind carry the curse with it.


To revenge oneself on a faithless lover, light a candle at midnight
and prick it with a needle, saying:

Thrice the candle's broke by me
Thrice the heart shall broke be.


Using Zuia-Zuia Oil, anoint a Black Figure Candle or a 7-Knob Candle.
Stick 6 silver pins/needles into the head or top of the candle.
Concentrate on the hate you have for your enemy as you push each pin
into the candle. Light candle at midnight of the first day the moon wans.
Let candle burn for half hour each day until candle burns out.
Each day candle is lit, stare into flames and think of nothing but hatred
for thy enemy. On last day the candle burns, voice your intent for
thy enemy 3 times. Close thee eyes and let flame burn out.


Take a piece of parchment paper and write your enemies name onto it
using black ink 9 times. Prick your finger and place a drop of vitality
onto the paper. Light one black candle, then say out loud:

I curse thee (Enemies Name) and I hex thee,
Let it be done.

Now place the paper into the candles flame and let it burn.
Now just sit back and watch the misfortune come upon your enemy.
It never fails!


Light three black candles, and as they burn,
speak this charm for thrice return:

Broken this spell, broken this curse,
By these candles, by this verse.
Reflected back, three times three,
Your hexes have no effect on me.
Curse return, by candles three,
Burn away and set me free.
Live and learn, crash and burn,
Three times three, this hex return.
With harm to none, this lesson be told;
Whatever is sent out, returns three-fold.

Allow the candles to burn themselves out.
Do this 5 nights in a row, during the Waxing Moon, at dusk -
as the sun dies and darkness descends.


If you feel you or your family has been cursed for a day or generations, use this spell to remove it.

1. Take a black skull candle anointed with spell breaker oil ( if skull is not available,
use image or a black cat candle). Burn for 8 nights, starting at the full moon.
Burn for 15 minutes a night while you concentrate on the evil being burned away.

2. On the 8th night, in the crevice of the skull made by the burning wax, place these herbs:
Agrimony, dill, rue, Five finger grass (cinquefoil), St. John's wort, and wormwood.

3. On top of these herbs place a seal of mephistopheles and seal all, the herbs and the seal with the drippings from a white candle. When the herbs are tightly sealed in the skull candle,
put the candle in a grey bag or some grey material and sprinkle with Graveyard dust
and Goofer dust. Take it to a graveyard and bury it.

That particular type of spell will be broken forever and no new evil spell of that type
can be placed upon you or your family ever again..

From: Protection spells and charms by Jade


Get a sock or stocking belonging to the intended victim.
Put graveyard dirt in it and bury it under the victims front steps.
In three weeks the victim will be dead, having mysteriously withered away.


To cause a hex or bad luck to follow someone disliked, a piece of paper,
preferably black, is cut into the shape of a man or a woman.
Use Dove's Blood Red ink to write the person's name on the paper image.

Stick a new pin at the head and thread it in and out of the image
all the way down to the feet. This will cause the paper image
to fold up and become quite small.

Place the image and pin in a small box and take it to a cemetery.
Dig a small hole and place the box within. On top of the box place
some Devil's Shoelace roots and sprinkle the roots and box with
Black Arts Oil. Then cover with dirt from the graveyard.
Leave the cemetery and never return to where the box was buried.


"Graveyard Dust" is one of three things: dirt taken from a cemetery,
mullein powder, or patchouli powder. Or, it can be a combination of them.
It is usually used in any combination with such things as asoefitida,
jezebel root, Lost and Away powder, Black Cat oil, Four Thieves Vinegar Oil,
Goofer Dust, (which is similar but not the same as Graveyard Dust),
Mummy Oil, Damnation Water Oil, Black Mus, and other powders and oils
representing hexing powders. Any and all are mixed with Graveyard Dust
together with something belonging to the enemy.

If some personal belonging cannot be secured, the person's name is written on a
small piece of parchment paper. This and the mixture is put in a small bag and
buried or hidden near the enemy's abode. Also, if the mixture is made only with powders,
it is sprinkled on the doorsteps. If the mixture includes oils,
it is smeared on the doorknobs. All of this is in addition to the hiding of the small bag.
Such action is said to result in making a person sluggish and sleepy and
eventually wasting away.

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