This vehcile is based on a vheicle from Robotech The Movie: The Untold Story. Images & information courtesy of The Robotech Technical Files. The Following Vehicle Stats and Background were generated by Rick R. Mortis and formated to the style sheets created by Dave Deitrich and Chris Meadows. Please feel free to copy or redistribute this file, please just do not claim that it is your own work. Thanks.

LHP-1A Flagga Hoverplatform

LHP-2A Flagga Rapid Inserion Vehcile
RPG Stats and Background by: Rick R. Mortis.

Technical Info from the Robotech Technical Files,
by Aubry Thortnon.


After the departure of the REF, the ASC was concernred with maintaining its control over the planet. The GMP requested a light airial urban patrol and combat riot-control and counter-insurgency vehcile that could quickly respond to any disturbances and support the GMP's ground troops. The end result of the program was the Flagga Hoverplatform. (the name's origin, like the Hargun's, is obscure). The Flagga was a large flying platform, controled by two trackballs at the pilot's feet as well as a free- floating console. Power was provided by a jet engine with ducted fans in the wigns that provided lift, and a second engine to propel it forwards. The Flagga was armed with a Three-barreled 25mm autocannon for use against light vehciles, rioters and human or Zentraedi rebels.

At about the same time, the GMP were working on the Hargun Project. The Hargun's troublesome transformation meant that it had to rely on the Support truck for deployment. Unfortunately, the truck was very lightly armoured, unarmed and unmanouverabiel. In addtion to being a sitting duck for enemy fire, it was often unable to get through congested city streets, which would prove to be a liability in the advent of civil unrest.

The Hargun team saw the platform as the perfect insertion vehicle and soon developed a variant for use with the Hargun. Fitted with a second engine, and an extended tail that stored large amounts of fuel, this platform could carry a Battloid to the target area, then release it from up to 14 meters in the air. It would also double as potential air support should the Hargun require it.

The Flagga never saw wide use, as the anticipated insurgencies never occurred, and procurement was soon halted. Few of either vehicle survived to the Invid invasion, though several were known to have been used by occupation-era nations to discourage civil unrest.


Vehicle Type:
(LHP-1A) One man airborne urban law-enforcement vehicle
(LHP-2A) One Man rapid insertion vehicle
Crew: One pilot, preferably wearing armour. The LHP-2A requires a separate pilot for the Hargun


   	25mm Autocannon			5
	Wings (2)			10 each
	Rear Thruster (-2A Only)	10 each
	*Main Body			15

*Depleting the MDC of any of these locations will destroy the vehicle. The LHP-2A has a Main Body MDC of 20. Note that the pilot is unprotected, and can be hit on a "called shot" at -4 to strike. Likewise, the Flagga gives no protection to the Hargun it is carrying.


Flying: 144kph. The Flagga is Not space-worthy.
Service Ceiling: 50 meters
Range: 4 hours continual use
Height: 1.52m 1.9m
Length: 2.36m 4.19m
Wingspan: 2.96m 2.96m
Weight: 1.9 tons 2.4 tons

  • 1 x P&W AT-972 Aviation Turbine Engine (2 on LHP-2A) , max. output 24 kN, driven by an aviation fuel. Peak hovering performance at 5 meter altitude.
  • 1 x TurboUnion IR-2L jet turbine located centrally under the platform. Max. thrust, 17 kN
  • Bonuses: +1 to strike, +3 to dodge


    1. Tripple-barreled 25mm Autoccannon, mounted in the front of the hover platform. This is the Flagga’s only weapon.
      • Purpose: Assault/Anti-personell
      • Range: 1200m
      • Mega-Damage: 2D6 MD for a short burst, 4D6 MD for a long burst, 6D6 MD for a full melee burst.
      • Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilots total number of attacks.
      • Payload: 300 rounds - a short burst uses up 10 rounds, a long burst uses 20 and a full melee burst uses 30.


    Designers Notes

    Japanese Name: Flagga (Fragga?), Flagga Transporter Megazone 23, Part 1

    Episodes Seen in: Robotech The Movie: The Untold Story

    Conversion Notes

    The info on the Flagga is pretty minimal. All of the info here comes from the Robotech Technical Files.

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