This ship is based on a ship from Robotech that was omitted from the Robotech RPG.. Images & information courtesy of The Macross Mecha Designs. The Following Ship Stats and Background were generated by Rick R. Mortis and formated to the style sheets created by Dave Deitrich and Chris Meadows. Please feel free to copy or redistribute this file, please just do not claim that it is your own work. Thanks.

Oberth Class Space Destroyer
RPG Stats and Background by: Rick R. Mortis.

Technical Info from the Macross Mecha Designs, by Dave Deitrich.


The Oberth was the first ever class of space combat ship comissioned by the RDF. The Oberth was designed to act as the standard ship of the RDF's forces. The initial plan was to have fleets of Oberths escorting the lager ARMD-Class Space platforms and the SDF-1 into battle. The ships design was impressive, given the RDF's very limited knowledge of Robotechnology at the point of its design, but extremely limited.

The Oberth was armed with four heavy particle beam cannons, based on designs taken from the SDF-1. Unfortunately, the Oberth's inadequate power systems meant that the rate of fire of the cannons was substantially less than hoped for. As a backup to the cannons, the Oberth was equipped with three launchers of long-range nuclear missies. The ship lacked a space fold system or sublight drives, as the RDF was yet to reverse-engineer these systems.

The RDF Comissioned twenty of these ships for their forces between 2005 and 2011. The Oberth has the infamy of being the first human spaceship ever to engage in space combat, when the UES Tsiolkovsky was hijacked by Anti-Unification forces. The Tsiolkovsky attacked the Mars Sara base, killing all of the personell there. It was subsequently destroyed by the UES Goddard.

Unfortunately the ships proved to be inifective against the Zentraedi fleets. The Miranda and Circe were destroyed in the inital attack by Breetai's fleet. Most of the remaining ships of the class were destroyed in Dolza's assault on Earth in 2011. The surviving ships were decomissioned in 2011 and replaced with Battle-class destroyers.


Government: United Earth Govornment (Earth)
Ship Type: Sub-Light Space Destroyer (SLDE)
Manufacturer: L5 Shipyards
Crew: (460 total)
Ship's Crew (438 men)
Officers (22 men)

Mecha Compliment:
2 SC-27 Star Goose Shuttles.

Notable Ships of Class:
UES Oberth (Served with RDF 2005-2011; destroyed 2011 by Zentraedi fleet. First Human combat spaceship.)
UES Tsiolkovsky (Served with RDF 2005-2008, Hijacked by Anti-Unification rebels, destroyed by UES Goddard)
UES Goddard (Served with RDF 2005-2011; destroyed 2011 by Zentraedi fleet. Destroyed UES Tsiolkovsky in first-ever ship-to-ship battle)
UES Miranda (Served with RDF 2005-2009; destroyed 2009 by Zentraedi fleet.)
UES Circe (Served with RDF 2005-2009; destroyed 2009 by Zentraedi fleet.)


	    Beam Cannons (4)                   250 each
	    Missile Launchers (3)              150 each
	(1) Front Sensor Cluster               150
	(1) Bridge                             500
	(2) Main Body                         2000
	(3) Main Engines (2)                   500 each
	(3) Booster Rockets (2)                100 each
	(3) Retro Rockets (6)                   20 each
	    Small Airlocks (8)                  50 each
	    Hangar Doors                       100
	    Armored Hull (per 20ft area)        60


  1. Destroying the bridge will instantly kill the command staff and deprive the ship of all forms of long range communications, radar and targeting. The range and targeting capabilities of the secondary systems are equal to that of a VF-1 Veritech. The ship can still operate, but is at -3 on initiative, -3 to strike, and number of attacks per melee of the weapon systems are reduced by half. Destroying the front sensory array on top of the command tower will have the same effect, but the command staff will not be killed instantly.
  2. Depleting the MDC of the main body will completely obliterate the destroyer. Because of the lack of modern escape and survival systems it is highly unlikely that any of the crew would survive.
  3. Destroying the main engines will reduce maximum thrust by 35% each. Destroying the booster rockets will reduce max thrust by a further 10% each, and destroying the retro rockets will knock out the final 10% of thrust, leaving the destroyer dead in space.


Speed(sublight): None. No sublight capability.
Speed(conventional Drives): Capable of a sustained 0.8-g acceleration until fuel exhaustion, and 2 g of acceleration can be sustained for 9 minutes 35 seconds.
Space Fold: None.
Planet bound:
Unable to enter the atmosphere. (Burns-up on re-entry). Minimum altitude of 176km
Maximum Range: Unlimited (Protoculture generator has an estimated 15 year life span)


Length: 350m
Height: 57m
Width: 155m
Weight: 285,000 tons
Fold System:
Sublight Drive:
Gravity Control System: Internal
Auxiliary Engine:
RRG Thurmonuclear Engine
Radar System: Advanced Radar and Sensory Systems


  1. Two Side-Mounted Forward-Firing Particle Cannons. A pair of heavy, long-range guns mounted on the sides of the ship. Controlled from the bridge. These guns are based on the SDF-1's main guns.

    • PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defence
    • SECONDARY PURPOSE: Anti-Warship
    • RANGE: 200,000km
    • DAMAGE: 1D4x500 M.D. each
    • RATE OF FIRE: Once per every two melee rounds
    • PAYLOAD: Unlimited.

  2. Two Top-Mounted Forward-Firing Particle Cannons. A pair of heavy, long-range guns mounted on the top of the ship forwards of the main bridge. Controlled from the bridge.

    • PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defence
    • SECONDARY PURPOSE: Anti-Warship
    • RANGE: 200,000km
    • DAMAGE: 1D6x250 M.D. each
    • RATE OF FIRE: Once per every two melee rounds
    • PAYLOAD: Unlimited.

  3. Three Anti-Warship Missile Launchers The launchers fire large ICBM type missiles.

    • PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault
    • SECONDARY PURPOSE: Anti-Warship
    • RANGE: 1,286km (Half in an atmosphere)
    • DAMAGE: 1D6x200 M.D. per missile
    • RATE OF FIRE: One at a time or in volleys of 3 or 6
    • PAYLOAD: 6 missiles per launcher, 18 total.
    • NOTES: Self guided, +3 to strike


Designers Notes

Japanese Name: Oberth-Class Space Destroyer Super Dimensional Fortress Macross

Episodes Seen in: #1, #3, #27

Conversion Notes

The info on the Oberth is limiteds only to a few model sheets and some very scatty data. The info here is mainly speculative.

The RPG (inexplicably) mistook this vessel for a sapce fighter and used it as the basis for the Lancer I Space Fighter. The stats fro that vehcile in the RPG book should be disregarded.

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