Civilization II
Civilization II Emperors Domain 
If you have created one of these scenarios and your name is not acknowledged, or if you want to submit a scenario to be posted here, contact me or go to the submit section. The scenarios are in alphabetical order. All these files are zipped; to unzip them you will need a program like Winzip or Pkunzip.
  Scenarios to Download: 
  • Historical Scenarios
  • Fictional Scenarios
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    Sign Meaning
    N/A Unrated
    OK OK for download (nothing special)
    New! Recently posted on Civ2 Emperor's Domain 
    Cool Good Stuff 
    HOT! Excellent! Don't miss this one! 
     Historical Scenarios
      Scenario Description Size(Kb) Author Date Posted
    HOT! 20th Century The World in 1918 23 Kryptocub 24.5.98
    HOT! Age of Discovery  Discover and Colonize the World starting 1492 28 24.5.98
    Cool Age of Imperialism The Great Empires: 1884 207 Matthias Pitz 31.5.98
    OK Baltic The Baltic in 1650 18 Ulf Hernow  24.5.98
    OK The Battle of Britain The Battle of Britain 1940 Germans vs British 76 Dan Saccavino 21.6.98
    OK Bolivar  
    South American Revolutions 1820 23  24.5.98
    OK Bosnia Bosnia 1991- Lots of cities, very detailed. 44 Wolfang Smitt 24.5.98
    OK Conquest of Britain The Norman invasion in 1066 121 24.5.98
    OK D-Day  D-Day. Very detailed 28 Wolfang Smitt 24.5.98
    HOT! East Wind, Rain WW2 in the Pacific 32 Don Melsom 24.5.98
    OK Europe 1875 Pre-WW1 Europe 17 Paul Davidson 24.5.98
    OK Falklands The Falklands War 1983 303 Tony Jobbins 19.6.98
    HOT! Gulf War The Gulf War 16 24.5.98
    OK Invasion of Germany 1944 Allies vs. Germany 11 24.5.98
    Cool Napoleonic Wars Napoleon's Wars 19 Rick Hink 24.5.98
    Cool Native Americans Colonize North America and beat the Natives 24 Tim Rowe 30.5.98
    Cool Religious Wars The Year 1000 AD-Crusades on a world map 13 Fred Aboulhosn 24.5.98
    OK Russian Revolution The Russian Revolution 1917 20 24.5.98
    OK Scandinavia Scandinavia AD 499- Lots of cities 86 Mattias Tornquist 21.6.98
    OK Swiss Confederation William Tell & Co. fight it out in Switzerland 21 24.5.98
    OK Triple Alliance War Brasil in 1860 8 Daniel Nicory do Prado 28.5.98
    OK USA 1861 American Civil War 1861 32 Chuck Magee 24.5.98
    HOT! World War 2  The world in 1941 35 27.5.98
    Cool WW2 Japan The Pacific 1937 138 R.K.S. Lee  24.5.98
    Fictional Scenarios
      Scenario  Description Size(Kb) Author Date Posted
    OK 2047  The World of the Future 30 Wolfang Smitt 24.5.98
    OK 21st Century The 21st Century 30 Louis Norton 24.5.98
    Cool Aftermath of WW3 Rebuild after WW3 67 Justin Giles 24.5.98
    OK Alpha Centauri On Alpha Centauri 73 Jeff Head 24.5.98
    OK Anarchy Kick Barbarian ass! 10 Shannon Walker 24.5.98
    OK Atlantis  Atlantis-an alternate world 187 Louis Norton 30.5.98
    OK Canadian Glory  Don't ask me why its called 'Canadian Glory' 8 Daniel Quick 27.5.98
    Cool Global Apocalypse June 1999 49 Michel A. Pinsonnault 24.5.98
    Cool ID1997 Hale Bopp Aliens come and invade the Earth... 192 Matthias Pitz 30.5.98
    OK Indonesia US vs Japan on some Islands 33 Wolfang Smitt 24.5.98
    OK Invasion of Sweden 1990 USSR vs NATO in Scandinavia 17 30.5.98
    Cool Natowar Nato vs Warsaw Pact 29 Soniklife  24.5.98
    OK Neukrieg War on Mars 15 Matias Pendola 24.5.98
    OK New Zealand Civil War in NZ 1998 11 24.5.98
    OK Norway AD 2034 Somehow Norway ends up against everyone else in Europe in 2034 88 Charles Herlin 21.6.98
    OK Quebec vs Canada Civil War in Canada 1995 8 24.5.98
    OK Star Wars Star Wars  29 Paul Caldwell 24.5.98
    OK Taiwan vs China Taiwan vs China 1995 14 Rick Hink 24.5.98
    OK WW3 World War 3-but slightly unrealistic 18 Will Rawstorne 28.5.98
    Total downloadable Files: 43

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