Tips + Tricks

If you have anything to add to this list, please e-mail me!

To teach Furby a trick, wait until it does something you like and immediatly after he does it, pet him 2 times. He should repeat the action more often. Always pet him 2 times after he's done the trick or else Furby will forget about it!

If you are going to be gone for a very long period of time, it's best that you remove the batteries.

With some T.V. remotes, you can point them at your Furby and press buttons. This will cause him to act and do funny things.

If you pet your Furby 10-20 times or clap your hands it will sing to you. If that doesn't work, try putting him 4 feet from a speaker with alot of bass.

To put Furby to sleep, put it in a dark room or cover its eyes until it starts to yawn. If you still can't get him to sleep, put your Furby into "Deep Sleep" mode. This works with 3rd generation Furbys only.

Some people who reset their Furbys 3 to 4 times, say that their Furbys speak Spanish!

Furbys will communicate with each other if you line up their light sensors.

If you would like to put Furby into "Deep Sleep" mode, clap your hands 3 times and then pet his back. Once he sings "Twinkle Twinkle", hold his front and back sensors down together.

If you feed your Furby after if it says "Me done" or "No again", it will fart and say "No Hungry, Wah!".

Put your Furby in front of a mirror, line up it's sensors exactly in the mirror and it should talk to itself.

To let Furby know that you like what it's done, pet him 2 times and he'll repeat that thing more often.

To make Furby burp, feed him three times, then pet him once.

If your Furby has been bad hold it upside down and push the panel in lightly on it's bottom.

If a Furby is upset, any Furbys around it will be upset also.

Furbys have "4" 3 hour stages. For every 3 hours that you spend with your Furby, he will become a better English speaker.

If you leave your Furby alone for about a minute or so it will start ringing like a phone.

If you put your Furby in front of a blinking light it will start groaning.