Mila's Definitive Rock2 Site
Vials of all colors
Salmon Vial- Affects player's movement
Vermillion Vial- Affects player's hitpoints
Ebony Vial- Affects player's rest periods
Chartreuse Vial- Affects player's defense
Oxblood Vial- For use on the vampire
Eldar Baby
The Eldar Baby is found high in the darkstone mountains to the far North East.
If you come across the baby return it as quickly as possible to the Eldar Noblewoman found near the nexus. The Noblewoman can only accept one child per day before disappearing so if you can't find her secure the child until the next day. When you give the baby to the Noblewoman she will give you a smooth disc and 1500 mental experience points. The disc is used in the throne room of the Spectral Dragon. The Dragon is also located in the Darkstone mountains to the North East. The disc activates the door to a room within the throne room that is a treasure area. A crown can be found in this special room. Take care not to log off when you have gotten the disc because it cannot be secured and is lost once you exit the game. I haven't seen the crown yet so let me know what it's powers are if any. To the best of my knowledge Procyon is the only current player to have gotten the crown.