"Fire and Ice"....the Aftermath

Mission City, Minnesota

"Danny, we did it! MacGyver, Mr. Thornton and I." Nicole Carpenter knelt beside her brother's grave and finished planting the violets. "Emir will pay for taking your life. Most likely with his own. There will be no American justice for him." She brushed the soil from her hands. Funny kind of guy your friend MacGyver, she mused as she packed up her gardening tools. "How the two of you ever became friends is beyond me. I'm just glad you had someone to look after you" Nikki smiled wistfully and wiped away an errant tear. "You always needed looking after big brother."

Pete Thornton stopped a few feet away from the gravesite. Nikki looked so fragile sitting there. He hesitated, not wanting to intrude on her. The poor child had been through so much in her young life. Losing her mother and her brother, a failed marriage. Pete knew how deeply something like that could wound a soul. He never stopped blaming himself for his own shattered marriage.

Nikki stood up and wrapped her sweater closer around her. There was a definite chill in the air. As she turned she noticed Pete. Smiling she beckoned him forward. "Mr. Thornton, what lovely flowers."

Her warmth putting him at ease, Pete moved forward. "I hope you don't mind, I wanted to leave these." He held out a bouquet of brilliant yellow and orange mums. "My mother always put out mums in the fall. " Pete gently lay the flowers down. "Even in Maine they'd stay almost to Thanksgiving."

"They're lovely, thank you Mr. Thornton." Nikki took his hands in hers. "I suspect I also must thank you for cutting through the red tape." She tilted her head and smiled up at him. "I know Danny would want to be here. Beside our mother." Nikki looked down at the weathered stone beside her brother's grave. "She loved violets. At least that is what the florist told me. I never really knew her."

Pete put his arm around her shoulders. "I'm sure she was a fine woman. She did a great job raising your brother. Danny was a good man, Nikki."

"Thank you again, Mr. Thornton." Nikki leaned gratefully against the big man. " I don't know how I can ever repay your for all your kindness."

Pete smiled "You can start by calling me Pete." He took her arm and they walked down the gentle slope to his rental car.

At the car, Nikki turned for a last look. The setting sun glowed in the distance and Pete's flowers reflected the yellows and oranges streaking the sky. "Good-bye big brother" she whispered, "I love you."


A lone figure watched as the sun disappeared below the horizon at Beal Lake. He took no notice of the brilliant colors or the crisp breeze. Mac was too wrapped up in his own grief and guilt. He would never forgive himself. He'd let Danny die. Even knowing that Emir Sumal would pay for murdering his friend, Mac couldn't let go of his guilt. He ran his hands through his hair, standing up Mac brushed off the seat of his pants. Better go, he thought, he had just enough time to say good-bye to Danny's aunt and get to the airport to meet Pete and Nikki. Mac sighed when he thought about Danny's sister. Poor kid. Well, she'd probably go home to Georgetown now. Mac grabbed the battered old bike he'd left leaning against the old oak. Good thing too, he mused. He had more than enough to do without having to worry about her. Swinging his leg over the bike he headed toward town.


Pete drove in silence for a few miles. He glanced over at the young woman sitting beside him. "Have you made any plans for the future Nikki?"

Nikki started slightly and looked at Pete. "The future?" she echoed. "I hadn't really thought about the future. I resigned my position with Senator Tagmire after my husband...." Her voice trailed away.

Pete waited, giving her time to continue. He watched as she struggled to compose herself. He pulled the car over and reached out for her hand. "Are you okay?"

She looked at him, the pain clearly etched on her face. "My husband, god I haven't said that out loud in months." Nikki lifted her chin. "I'm not divorced Pete. My husband was killed in an explosion. A car bomb." She dropped her face into her hands. "I was part of the Senator's investigating team. That bomb was meant for me."

Pete reached out for her, his face stricken. He could only imagine the pain and guilt she must be feeling. It had always been his worst fear. His work, hurting the people he loved most.

Nikki shook her head. "No Pete, I'm fine. Actually it feels good to say it out loud. Joshua's family made it clear they blamed me. My father was too shaken to support me. But Danny," she smiled wistfully, "he flew out as soon as he heard. 'Go West young woman,' he said, 'start over.' I joined Danny in LA I was planning on taking the bar, setting up a practice."

Pete started the car and eased back onto the roadway. "You need a six month residency to take the bar I believe. What will you do in the meantime?"

Nikki shrugged. "Clerk I guess. Although the idea doesn't thrill me much."

"What else can you do? What other skills do you have? Besides catching jewel thieves and holding your own against Mac?" Pete grinned. "Which by the way is a very rare skill."

"This sounds like an interview Mr. Thornton." Nikki returned his smile. "I can ride to the hounds, or dressage and post. I speak French, Italian, and a smattering of German. I can dance, give great parties and wear clothes well." She threw Pete a teasing glance. "A debutante's education to become the perfect trophy wife."

Pete just starred, this was a fascinating woman. If only she were older, or better yet he were younger. "I'm sure you are a well rounded, well educated young lady Ms. Carpenter, but do you have any practical skills.?"

"Actually," she answered. "I can type, thanks to a friend who insisted I learn. I graduated from Georgetown University, Pre-Law. My law degree is from Georgetown School of Law. I passed the Virginia Bar on my first try." Nikki laughed, "I also spent 3 months training at Quantico."

Pete couldn't hide his surprise. "With the Marines?"

Nikki shook her head. "No, the Bureau, I thought I'd die. There was one agent who I swear wanted to kill me!"

"I had the same experience." Pete laughed at the memory. "When I did my training for the DXS." He sobered. "So first you have to establish residency, pass the bar..."

"And then what, I join LA Law ?" Nikki joked, "or are you offering me a job?"

"Yes Nikki, I am. The Foundation can always use good people like you. You've got the training the board looks for and the personality I look for, you care." Pete slowed as they approached the airport.

Nikki held out her hand. "Okay, but two conditions Pete. My past is closed. No one needs to know I am not a divorcee." She paused as Pete slowed the car to a stop. "Second, I work alone, no partner."

Pete glanced at Nikki. "Your past is your own. I have no problem there. However, there will be cases where you will need a partner." He held out his hand.

Nikki slowly reached out for Pete's hand. "Fine, partners only for special cases, assigned by you."

Pete smiled and grasped Nikki's hand. "Deal." Releasing her hand, he slid out from behind the wheel. Walking around the car he opened Nikki's door. Taking her hand they walked over to join Mac who stood waiting on the tarmac.

The End