This is a page that serves absolutely no purpose what-so-ever.  I set up this page purely to have space on Geocities so I can post all sorts of shit up on the forums that I belong to.  If I have directed you here, that means there is a link, a file, or a picture i meant for you to have.  If you are here for any other reason, then you done fucked up.  There is no reason for you to be here other then your curiosity or boredom.  But since you are already here, see if there is something you like, if not, get the hell out and have a nice life.
timmyt's Page
Click here to check out the large collection of smileys.
Very strange web page link - 60X1
* maximize window for best view *
A bad ass site for sweet cars, hot models, and a kick ass forum to chat in.